Suasana buka/tutup

City Rankings (Residents, GDP, Budget, Visitors)

37 hari ke 3,478, 14:55 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

It's been over a week since the introduction of the residence module. Due to the lack of any kind of city ranking lists, here are some stats for you (gathered on day 3,478 at 7:00):

574 cities, 13,286 residents, 74,080 visitors
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Maverick Pack and Epic Battles - Numbers Don't Lie

41 hari ke 3,225, 12:49 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Since the introduction of the Maverick Pack two months ago, D4 players without the pack have been complaining about the lack of epic battles. It had already been bad before but there was usually an epic battle on Tuesday or Wednesday to help

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Odnośnie obalenia dyktatury w ePL

51 hari ke 3,025, 11:32 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik


Znalazłem się w niezręcznej sytuacji. Jestem dyktatorem Nowej Zelandii i 'mój' minister spraw zagranicznych wywołał rewolucję w Polsce. Zrozumiałe są więc podejrzenia, że maczałem w tym palce, tym bardziej, że z obecnym dyktatorem

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Q7 Weapon Price Analysis and Forecast

27 hari ke 2,651, 06:07 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

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( '')New Battle Page || Nowe Pole Bitwy('' )

36 hari ke 2,396, 08:58 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

I was hoping somebody would do that for me, but since nobody has done it yet in the Polish press, I'm gonna show you the new battle page.

Miałem nadzieję, że ktoś zrobi to za mnie, ale skoro nikt się … baca lebih lanjut »