WRP congress list

Day 2,681, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


Since started the new military and political module of "Dictatorship",the Parliament/Congress of UK lost it"s meaning as Congress and congressmen are powerless to propose the laws which are crucial for politics,military and economy of any country,as the same case are with UK.Dictator have all the power given by admins of the game and the current Dictator used it in great deal.One thing which are important and that is current Dictator agrred on the current stance by accepting that elected Country President and his cabinet operates as it suppose.

As UK public knows yesterday were held a referendum about what eUK needs
-Remain under Dictatorship
-Organizing Revolution against current Dictator
-Appointing current Country President as the new Dictator of eUK

So that"s enough of this,and let"s get to work on announcing of the Workers Right Party Congressional list,shall we 😉.

The Workers Right Party values each and every members,their stance,suggestions and the decisions which each and every of them making.WRP fighting for the equality,fairness,democracy and also accepting the principles of the new Dictatorship module set by admins of the game.The final congress list made it based on length,loyalty,making thougthfull decisions and expressing wishes of the membership of the Workers Right Party as well giving opportunities to the new members for developing their political carreer with WRP.So without further delay,I Aleksandar V.Popovic the Party President of the Workers Right Party presenting the final WRP congress candidates list:
1.Nigel Farage-a new guy whose ideas,suggestions and involvment in the UK politics as wish for the improvement of UK.His new article MU"s House of Commons took a positive echo of the UK public.
2.Jamesa Beneth also new member of the Workers Right Party,althougth he hasn"t write any article announcing his candidacy for Congress or his views of the current political situation in UK,I am sure he will contribute to the Congress with his proposals,fresh ideas etc and that he will do the job as best as he can.
3.Aaron Mark Daniels-wellknown young politician who proven himself through various aspects of the UK politics,4 terms in Congress with his enthusiasm,eagerness and constructive proposals and ideas which he will present to the congress while being there will be the great adjustment in disscusions.One more thing concerning this young politician is that he is MoHA/MoEd in the cabinet of current CP-Huey George.
4.CheetahCurtis-a wellknown eUK player whose knoledge,experience and constructive and fair representations in the Congress disscusions will be beneficial and improve the work of the eUK Congress.Another thing concerning CheetahCurtis is that he were numerious times PP of the GBDP,held several minor and unnofficial govermental roles,as well as being MoEd.
5.Aleksandar Popovic-I am not going to tell a much about myself as I am sure everyone knows,so we will skip me,shall we 😉.
6.Alexander Atem is stable and now wellknown eUK player which work and eagerness as well as fresh ideas bringing better results to UK.Currently he holds a goverment role of MoD-Minister of Defence and his work are giving the good results to UK defence and his regural updates of MoD Orders of the battles which UK running itself or helping allies where it needed.
7.Mitzuno-another wellknown player and longterm member of the Workers Right Party,as well as multiple congressmember and councillor of the Party which with his arguements and dedication that he owns will contribute in great deal to the Congress discussions.
8.CASUAL MKD has been recently come to eUK and shows himself as experienced,good and thougthfull member of the WRP with his ideas and suggestions will bring new light on the politics of UK.
9.James Martin-he served previous term in congress,in fact 2 terms and if he get this one he will be active in all Congress discussions and will contribute with his ideas Congress works more flexibly than it had been in the past.
10.OldGunFighter is relatively new member of the Workers Right Party and well experienced and if he get a term in Congress,I am sure he will do the job as best as he can through Congress discussions and other stuff.
11.MarkTD are good,decent and respectfull member of the WRP and he served 2 terms in Congress he will use it for good purpose.
12.Norris Bush are good player,longterm member of WRP.If he get a term in Congress he will use it on the right place.
13.mwc-are strong,experienced member,being in various Parties in UK serving multiple times in Congress and his experience will be appriciated in the Congres.
14.harijs.me- another experienced,good fighter and longterm member of the Workers Right Party serving several terms in congress of UK as well as being in other eCountries-eUK allies showing his dedication,dealing highest damage while fighting for those countries.Since he comeback to eUK recently he continues his work defending UK on the battlefield as well as on the political scene of eUK.
I am sure harijs with his experience,dedication and willingness will greatly contribute to Congress with his well balanced work for the benefit of eUK

As conclusion of this article:all of this candidates for Congress are the ones of the best that UK have and surely they will do their job in the Congress as best as they can and UK will be proud of them.

Your author and director of the BRITISH GUARDIAN
Aleksandar.V Popovic