What The Fuck its going on here ????

Day 4,521, 19:26 Published in Switzerland Indonesia by X E O N the J O K E R

Its Seems it cast away in different times im jumped to this timeline and i have no idea why my despair called me to this game again. im missed so events opportunity like events then eSwiss got Attacked by Other Countries or some like that .

but i came back as myself "despair" so i called despair to fullfill my sadness but i dont know why it seems more despairly to me . (By The Way Despair is Happines)

i return to this timeline but after that my first time its logged in to eRepublik and saw my is level 31 (actually in future my level is 3131 and unfortunely players now on active will be offline massacre)


for know i will stay here and logged in as Xeon For Future . (Dont Worry to the person who owned his account hi fell to despair and will sleep FOREVER and not be came back . 😛

