Wellington Chase Bank - Services and Information

Day 501, 12:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley
Wellington Chase Bank is a new, privately owned bank run by Arthur Wellesley as majority shareholder and RoadRunnerSpeed. We have modestly sized financial reserves in both Gold and GBP, and we are ready to begin offering basic services to the public.

Our bank will begin by offering Savings Accounts with a two week minimum term. The investor can decide to make their account last longer than two weeks if they wish. Savings accounts will be set up with the following interest rates:

Savings Account - GOLD
1G - 20G: 10%
21G - 50G: 5%
50G+: Contact bank management

Savings Account - Currency
£1 - £150: 10.00%
£151 - £250: 7.50%
£250+: 5.00%

Interest will be paid out to investors after 2 weeks. If you decide to invest your money with us for longer than 2 weeks, your interest will be paid out every subequent two weeks.

Wellington Chase Bank is also happy to offer their investors loans at competitive rates. The amount available for the loan and the interest rates will depend upon the amount of currency the bank holds in reserve. To maintain financial solvency and integrity, Wellington Chase Bank will hold 10% currency reserves to ensure that we will be able to properly serve our customers. We will never take in accounts or give out loans that we do not have the ability to cover.

If you are interested in taking out a loan with Wellington Chase, please send a PM with your name, details of the loan you would be interested in, and the general purpose the loan will serve. The bank, or a representative thereof, will contact you as soon as possible.

Thank you, and we look forward to serving you.