Weekly Roundup - 11/05/09

Day 538, 10:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the "Weekly News Round-up”, which brings you the current events both at home and abroad.

- "Weekly News Roundup” is run by Minister of Home Affairs lordjustice and under Minister Jan Baykara.


Lancelot's Journals
Camelot Citadel
Camelot is arming for War!
][Camelot] Expansion & Recruitment[/url]

Camelot on its requirements, news updates and the fictional journal of Iain Keers.

No 10 Downing Street
A Debt of Honour

The Prime minister on the controversial PTO in the Czech Republic, and her stance on making amends.

The Cabinet

Sara Droz displaying her assigned cabinet for her first term in office.

Prime Minister's Update

A self explanatory title - the prime minister issuing some answers, and her next moves.

An Outside View
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part I
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part II
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part III
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part IV
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part V
Night of the Living UKRP'ers - Part VI

A hilaroius satirical series on the darker, hidden side of the UKRP - and still 'to be continued'

MoD News
Ministry of Defence
[Ministry of Defence] Ireland versus USA

The MoD on the latest training war.

The People's Gazette
Mr Woldy
Prime Minister's Questions

An overview of the Prime minister's weekly open interview (7PM every wednesday on the eUK IRC).

The Global Chronicle.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Interview with U.S. president

An interview with the US President from a british perspective.


The eFinancial Review
Ambrose Didymus
[The eMazing Race] - Applications

On day 537, six contestants will set off on a 15-day race around The New World.

Tango News
Juan Tampo
Who are the bad guys?

An insight into Atlantis & Peace propaganda, and whether or not OUR side is truthful in its announcements.

Schrodinger's Cat
The truth anout peace victories

Perhaps one of the highest voted articles in the New World to date, a detailed investigation on apparent Peace cheating.

Ghimpele de eRomania
Worldwide Presidential Voting Analysis [ENG]

A firm analysis of the past Country President election in (I believe) every single nation in the new world.

Ghimpele de eRomania
Worldwide Presidential Voting Analysis [ENG]

A firm analysis of the past Country President election in (I believe) every single nation in the new world.

News to South Africa
South Africa wants to thank you United Kingdom

A thankyou from South Africa regarding their resistance wars against Indonesia and support for SA in the attempted Political Takeover (PTO).

A Civil Society
Scrabman responds

The American President answering indepth, several frequently asked questions.

Tim's Times
True Blue Holdings
Some Rules to being MoFA

A series of intelligent pointers and advice directed at Goku Jones, MoFA, SaraDroz, PM and Country Presidents in general.

Ereptools Update

Carbon, creator of ereptools.pl, announcing some new additions, including companies browser and Reorganized menu

If you would like your article featured in this article, please PM the Association, or for a more direct answer, Jan Baykara.

Many thanks,
lordjustice and Jan.