True Patriot Awards

Day 3,978, 10:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Good Morning Everyone.

It is with great happiness that Tef1 announces his intention to start a new award / giveaway. It is called the True Patriot Awards. It will be given every week on Thursdays. The winner of the prize will be the True Patriot of the week. It is to continue at least for a month. Tef1 hopes, others will preserve this great tradition of eSwiss in the future.

Here is how it works. On Thursdays of each week, Tef1 will determine who has been the True Patriot of the week. The Winner will get 300 Q1 foods.

As much as possible, Tef1 will make sure a player does not win twice in a row in order to appreciate everyone.

The winner this week is: SlR ALEXIS PETROVA.


