Today's News: Epic Battle Started [USA]

Day 673, 15:39 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

On the Northern American Front

Last night, the USA won the four battles they had opened 24 hours earlier (Kentucky and Tennessee from Russia plus Delaware and West Virginia from France). Those battle were just formality since everyone knew that the final epic battle in New Jersey was coming soon. And we were right, since today, at 12:00 erepublik time, USA launched the attack on last Russia held region in North America. With only 3 hours in this fight, the wall was already -400k underground. Its too soon to predict the ending in this battle. Russia could spend a shit load of gold in tanking to maintain a foot hold in NA. Few hours later, US also open a battle in Maryland but this battle will definitely not be the priority. For all information concerning the War, read and subsci be to the DoD newspaper.

With Russia almost out of the North America, and France down to 1 region, Hungary will probably be the last PEACE country with region in Canada and USA. Even tough, Two resistance wars, started by Hungarian citizens (?), in North Dakota and Montana, have been successful leaving them with Washington and Alaska. Soon enough, we will be able to figure what was the strategy behind these RW. Hongary is still unable to make any moves since Canada keep blocking them in Manitoba and Saskatchewan with daily attack and Resistance war (to cut the retreat option).

Welcome back Spain! Hail!

On the Europeen front, Spain won a very impressive (and important) battle in Andalucia. With a great tanking effort in the last minute, Eden/Fortis elites troops managed to knock down a 180k points wall in the overtime minutes of the battle. With this victory , Spain have now all his original lands back under control, 33 days after being wiped off the map.

Hail Spain, Hail Eden/Fortis

Whats coming next?

Now, the speculation are come from all direction. Should American stop the retaliation after having retaking all his original regions or continue to offensive on country who helped PEACE.

After taking care of Hungarian left over region in NA, many options are open to USA. Should USA punish Mexico for breaking the spiritual peace treaty by swapping region with Colombia. Remember that Colombia was brought in this conflict by PEACE for blocking USA, due to failed defense of California by Indonesia. Colombia have activate all USA Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with the homeland aggression.

Another PEACE puppet, France, just like Colombia, have activate USA MPP by launching an attack on USA Homeland. France government have declare the Urgency alert in the country in case America decide to continue the offensive in Europe. I have been reading the French news paper and its clearly appears that this moved was surprising and not appreciated from most of the population.

The next weeks will be very interresting on military scene. Many smaller countries, forced by Hungary and Indonesia, have put themself in a very vulnerable position by attacking USA. The face of the world may change a lot in a very short notice. So everyone must stay alert!

Congress Election 36 Hours

Ill will be running for Kansas for the next Congress Election. You can have a look at my official plateform presentation Here

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Samuel Brouillette
US Army, 4Th Division, 3rd Platoon