THE TURKISH INTERVIEW WITH Burakkocamis **ENGLISH VERSION** ((as you asked))

Day 1,146, 14:54 Published in Greece Greece by Kabyli

Hello everybody,

I have started to realize that you are not very interested in my articles about interviews of great people of Balkans,but i decided to give you an article with an interview of a Turkish player in order to see the facs from another way.

So,i decided to discuss with <>
Let's go see what is he talking about...i think it is really interesting

1st Question: From where you believe this hatered between the countries of Balkan produced??

It's not about only Balkans.It's a fact in eRepublik.Geographically close countries fight each other.I see no RL hate in the reasons of these war.Of course,there're historically opponent countries but people should understand something that we're not enemies.We're just opponents in this game.

2nd Question: Can you do some comments about the war between Greece and Turkey??

When this war doesn't lead to any result,I find that war very useless.As it also seems,it won't lead anywhere.Northern Cyprus continously finds a new owner for itself.Before rising,this war was about Turkiye to get high iron in Central Greece.Now,everything's different.I see nothing causing that war except Northern Cyprus and its grain resources.That was the admin's trick and we all got it.

By moving the grain resources from Mediterranean to Northern Cyprus was to cause that useless war which finances eRepublik by bought Gold.I am really sorry for that.Games cannot be based on financial points.

3rd Question: Do you believe that the creation of EDEN and PHOENIX provokes all those wars??

We're going to more closer and regional alliances.These wars are first steps of that.Eastern European will have its own partnerships.EDEN and PHOENIX are both dead since global alliance logic is dead.

4th Question: Which are the sollutions in our war??

Well,we can agree on sharing of the Cypriot island to stop that war.I believe in ceasefire.Peace and being ally was possible months ago but it's not anymore at least for next a few months.Ceasfire would be good if both sides agree on acceptable points.

5th Question: Can i call you friend??

Sure you can,WE ARE BROTHERS

This is the English Version of the interview with Burakkocamis as you asked it Turkish!!!
It is all yours,i want to see comments below,to read your opinion about what Burakkocamis said!!

See youuuuu