The second time is already better than the first!

Day 519, 20:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley

One month ago, I asked the people of Wales to vote for me and to send me to Parliament. They obliged, and I have been proud to serve them. As their MP, I have served in the government as the Under Minister of Finance and I have gained valuable experience. I have made my voice heard in the halls of Parliament, and I have debated rigorously for freedom – personal and financial. In my term, I have worked alongside the best and brightest in the eUK, and I have seen how government can run smoothly – and how it can run poorly. Much remains to be done.

Our economy has made great strides from the financial crisis we found ourselves in but a few weeks ago. We have worked to refill our treasuries, we have worked to restore services, and we have extended a hand overseas to fight against those that would oppress us. We have taken a step back from the precipice, but we are not finished.

There is only so much that government can do – the people must work closely with the government, and the government, more importantly, must work closely with its people. As an MP, there is little I can do to ensure that this will happen, but I can promise you that I will be active in the Commons, as I have done this past term, and that I will use my access to the halls of power to lobby hard to keep the government working for the people, not the other way around.

Why should you vote for me? I am experienced – I have been in Parliament before, and I have worked in the government for the past two administrations. I am active – I am a staunch supporter of the United Kingdom Reform Party, and my activity within the party and without has only grown over time. I am committed – roadblocks and delays do not dissuade me from accomplishing my goals. I recently stood for Party President in the UKRP and lost in a controversial election, but I have not allowed that to dampen my resolve. I have not been able to bring about the Ministry that I think would so beneficially serve our nation to do research on the people of the UK so their government would adequately understand them, but I have not forgotten the idea.

I believe I have been to the point. If there is anything you need of me, you have but to ask – my door, so to speak, is always open to constituents. I ask you to vote for Arthur Wellesley from the UKRP. Send me back to Parliament so I can continue the work I have started. It cannot be completed without you, the people.