The Ministry of Research and Data Collection

Day 487, 13:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley

As I am largely an unknown figure at this point, I do not have too high of hopes that this message will reach as many people as I would like it to. However, it has been recommended to me to put this idea out in public, and I intend to do so. For those of you that do not know me, I am Arthur Wellesley. I am an apprentice in the Ministry of Finance under RoadRunnerSpeed and HazzN, an active member of the UKRP, and I am a candidate for Parliament in Wales.

I am proposing the creation of a new Ministry. For the purposes of this article, I am going to call it the Ministry of Research and Data Collection (MoRDC). This job of this new ministry will be to collect demographic data, survey data, etc. to be accessible by the eUK government and the populace. Surveys regarding popular perceptions, citizen activity, levels of citizen advancement, economic data, population distribution, trends in movement -- these could all be of immense use to having an efficient and effective government as we try and make our way out of these tough economic times.

It is my intention to use what little influence I have to advance this idea through government, and I hope that this administration and the next will give it the attention that it merits. If this is something that you agree should be implemented, I encourage you to write your regional MPs and encourage them to support this policy. Should I be fortunate enough to win my upcoming election, this will be on the top of my agenda. Also, should you have ideas or questions regarding this, I am ready and willing to enter into discourse with anyone regarding my proposition.

Thank you and good day.