The man who is the connection between the two largest country of eRepublik [US]

Day 768, 11:21 Published in USA Hungary by Ipath

Dear Citizens of the United States,

In my article I share with you my chat with Ambassador of Poland to USA. These are the two biggest countries in eRepublik right now , so anyone who tries to mediate between them, takes serious thing to his shoulders. Next to this we talked about the relationship of eHungary and ePoland. So let's start!

1. So first, can you introduce yourself to my readers, your lifestory in erep etc.

So my name is Adrian, I'm 18 and I come from Olsztyn in Northeastern Poland. My eRepublik character was born on June 28, that was the 586 day of the New World. After about two weeks which I spent learning how to play I joined PWL, the first party of independent Poland - after we regained it from Germany. I was just elected to the Polish congress for the fourth time. I'm also the ambassador in eUSA where I moved from eEstonia. So I've just moved here so I can't say much. What surprised me at the very beginning was the fast that the eUSA have 2 IRC channels what makes communication quite difficult. I'm also saddened by the fact that both eUSA IRC and forum are being DDoSed.

2. What do you think (and what does your goverment think) about the last week's baby-boom in ePoland?

Of course we are very happy, very proud of our countrymen, but we were also very surprised by the fact that in only few days, the whole population can increase in such an enormous level. Some people call this a babynuke. It's not a secret that we had some problems with our economy eg. providing Q1 food for every baby-boomer, but fortunately we managed to solve all the problems and everything seems to be fine.

3. And what do the people think in ePoland? Can you keep in the game so many players?

It's certain that many of new players will be off soon but we do everything we can to keep ingame as many as we can. Not only the government does actions in order to do that but there are also many volunteers.

4. What do you think about ePoland's future? If you manage to keep just the half of these people, you will be one of the most powerful (maybe the most powerful) country in erep. What are your plans for the future?

The whole war in Germany was just a training. We are going to conquer Russia, Hungary, Indonesia and Serbia. Then we will betray our allies and rule the whole world. To make everything clear, that was a joke I think that any of New World nations knows what they will be doing in let's say 3 months. The strog France conquered almost whole Spain. After only few months the situation is almost opposite. Time will show ...

5. You bring up a very interesting topic: Poland-Hungary. Poland's future is maybe is the present (or the past?) of Hungary. Tell me something about the relation between the two countries.

I'm sure that we won't betray the Croatians. I also don't say that you should leave Serbians in their own. As I said before, I think nothing can be done at the moment, except convincing Coratia and Serbia to bury the hatchet. But it's a long-term vision.

6. Can you share some ideas of yours about the present Asian war? You spend quite long time in the american chat. I think you hear things... Tell me your opinion, please. (the war for 'LionKing' the sudden turn in Jilin, where Hungary took the initiative)

Firstly, I don't think that the american chat is a good source of information. There's a little mess and people often talk about everything except eRepublik. I have to disappoint you because I don't have a specified opinion about the current situtation in Asia.
I won't repeat the facts that everyone knows and also can't say anything more beacause except being and ambassador I do several other things in ePoland

7. Finally, please tell me something about your personal plans in ePoland. Would you like to be president maybe?

No! Being a president of one of the biggest (I mean the population, power) countries in eRepublik is a huge responsibility. Currently I'm a congressman and an ambassador. I also help newcomers. I'm finishing the high school this year so I'm preparing for the bachelor exam (as far as I know it's called 'érettségi' in Hungary, but I may be wrong if it's the same thing) so I'm afraid I don't have enough time to be hold any of most important positions in ePoland. I leave it to more experienced players with good ideas. But who knows.. maybe some day...

8. Finishing sentence?

I'd like to greet everyone in eHungary and remember - it's just a game!

Hungarian version, Polish edition

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