The FDP Community Action Program

Day 715, 22:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arthur Wellesley

The Free Democratic Party is not against charity. Individuals from our ideological background are often maligned as not caring for the plight of the poor and downtrodden. That is not so. Indeed, liberals (in the classical sense) such as ourselves embrace charity. We encourage one individual to voluntarily give of himself to help his neighbor. It is only when resources are extracted out of one by the government and given to another, without consent or voluntary association, that we have a problem with promoting the general welfare. Having said this, I wish to announce a new program that I have just announced on the FDP party forums, the FDP Community Action Program.

Under the CAP, FDP members are encourages each week to go out into the community and find new or struggling players in need of help. We will find them and help them. If they need food, we will donate them enough food to get them through at least a couple of days to build up some cash. If they need a job, we will ask around and see if we can find them a good job at a stable company where they can build up their skill. If they need advice or instruction, we will give it to them or find someone who can. The FDP envisages this as a reverse buddy system. Instead of new members seeking out older players to ask for help, the older players are going to seek out the new ones and ask if we can help them. We hope that this will bolster a community spirit and show that welfare can be promoted without wanton government intervention and economic extraction.

All FDP members are asked to tell their buddies to send me a private message, telling me about their experience. Each week, should the program be successful, I will select a few messages and highlight them on the party forums and in party newsletters. I hope that we can encourage people from all parties to engage in this sort of community aid, and I look forward to seeing the results.

I am, etc.
Arthur Wellesley