Tef1's announcement

Day 4,057, 11:59 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

For the past three terms, it has been an honor of eLife to serve. It is now time to pass the baton to a fresh blood with newer ideas. I hope our weekly awards will continue through our next Minister of Education. I hope not to be nominated for a federal cabinet in the next election as it is time for others to have a chance.

Tef1 will now focus on party level politics. The Lugangeles Party is a wonderful party. It has been led by a giant in Tim Buctu, who is a real friend as are all members of The Lugangeles Party.

We are in third place in membership. We are very close for the silver and we can have a friendly competition with our friend and mentor Uncle Rican.

We must also be a party of good politics of course as well as fun. We will have a lit Discord.

We can compete with other parties while having a friendly relationships with all parties and not just the top 5 parties. All of us should have fun together.

The Lugangeles Party will have a great and active cabinet. It is no longer acceptable to do nothing. More details upcoming.

TLP will lead the way for Swiss's greatness. Lets get it done together.