Some Things a Bowl of Soup Just Can't Fix

Day 2,673, 22:19 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

I have the evening free to do a little writing. A lot has gone on in the eUS over the last week or so, I just don’t know where to start. First I guess I will write just a little on what is at the top of almost everyone’s mind. As always, it is of course…

Delicious soup! Despite all of our differences of opinion and trolling and mud slinging at the end of the day, there is really almost nothing that a big bowl of soup can’t fix. There are, however, a few things that are going to take more than soup. Here are a few…


We have one now in case you hadn’t heard. By a vote of 28 to 21 (with 2 abstentions) congress decided that it was better to install a dictator than to fight a hostile takeover attempt. It is arguable that this should have required an amendment to the constitution which would have required a 2/3 vote to pass. Originally that is what the Speaker of the House thought as well. After the vote came up short of the 2/3 required Mr. Speaker changed his mind in order to finish ramming it through congress.

There was an attempt to repeal the law which failed 29 to 27. That is two votes that, had it gone the other way, would have preserved our democracy. Two.

It makes me think that nearly half of this country might feel the same way. This of course is a complete guess as there was very little effort made to ask the general public what they thought before this was crammed down their throats.


First there was something of a half-hearted jerkoff of a takeover. I still don’t quite get it but apparently it was for the lulz. Even though it was obviously doomed to fail the government saw fit to spend almost $70,000 in COs to put down this rebellion. When the real dictator attempt came, not only did they spend the $200,000 to start it, but also an additional $750,000 in COs. For as lopsided a victory as it turned out to be that sure is a lot of money. I know that some of those that fought on the dictator side didn’t take the CO, which did save the taxpayers some dough, but obviously many did take the money. Was the pro-dictator side so worried that it might fail that they had to overpay fighters to support their side? Apparently.

There were many of us including The Black Sheep and The Bear Cavalry that decided to fight for what was right. To preserve the democracy of the eUS. We all fought on the side where the flag didn’t have a big red “X” on it. I don’t ever remember my eUS flag having a big red “X”. Some might label us traitors. We know we are patriots.


There are a couple threads worth reading in the eUS forums if for no other reason than to get a good laugh. One of these has a picture of me after I got an Epic Battle Hero medal in the first round of the Civil War in Division 1. That was worth two points for the patriot side! I guess those two points had the dictator side pretty scared. They must have been terrified of me after I did the same thing in round two. No wonder they decided to put up such hefty CO’s!

Here is a link to the thread if you want to see it. Discussions of severe punishments for all of us “traitors” follow. Here is a link to the original thread where the numbers were released. This is also good for a laugh.

Of course when the cost of this coup came out there was this thread. Kemal, being the martyr that he is volunteered to pay his share and then some if this discussion led to a law being passed requiring reparations… If he really wanted to take responsibility he could have simply paid the money without any conditions of a law being passed.

Who knows what now? Now we deal with this pretend democracy I suppose. We can all act like everything is alright. Perhaps we just go on as usual. Perhaps some foreign dictator wannabe will make an honest effort to take over the eUS. Perhaps someone takes that chance. And perhaps some of us that would have fought tooth and nail to protect this great nation will instead just sit on the sidelines and let it happen in the hopes that after a foreign dictator takes over we can then take our democracy back. Perhaps someone will make a proposal to censure/blacklist one of us because we decided not to fight to protect a chosen dictator. Personally I think there are a lot of us that would fight with everything they had to protect the flag without the “X”. I am not so sure about the new flag that hangs over the dictator’s mansion now.

If you would like a place where you can speak your mind and not be judged I know a place. If you would like to be somewhere that will allow you to rail on about what a hateful elitist Kemal is and still get into congress I know a place. If you seek a place where it is not only accepted but encouraged to troll Tenshibo I know a place. If you want a place to come chill, have a beer,

play some pingpong and hang with fun folks I know a place for that too. Come join us and see what we are all about.