So you want a Battle Hero medal huh?

Day 1,502, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom New Zealand by Mr Knee

The Battle Hero medal, or the BH Medal from now on, is one of those medals that anyone with a bit of planning can achieve, and aside from the e-penis moment, the 5 gold isn't too bad either. Until you manage the first one, then going for it can be quite nerve wracking thing - especially if you become unsure if you'll make it over the line in time. This article will hopefully give those who wish to attempt one but unsure if you are up to it an indication if you should go for one.

Please note that this guide won't guarentee you a BH medal, but will hopefully enable you to decide if you are capable for trying for one. Obviously if you go for a BH medal the same time as someone else then one of you will miss out.

So what resources are needed?

The minimum you want are:

20-34 Bazookas
15 or more energy bars
Half a dozen Q5 (or Q6 weapons)
A handful of Q1-Q4 weapons.

Your daily health being close to full in terms of amount of recoverable health via food.

The 'zookas are obviously going to do the majority of the damage and will do 600k with the minimum 20 bazookas. Having 34 will give you a million of damage. How many you need depends on your usual fighting strength. If you are the sort of person who can do, say, 5000 damage under normal fighting with weapons conditions, then you can make do with just 20 usually. If you are less than a year old and barely manage a thousand etc, then you need closer to 30.

I'd recommend getting close to 30 regardless as it is better to own 30 bazookas and only use 25 (and save 5 for next time) than to own 25 and falling short by 100k of damage (or 3 and a bit extra bazookas).

Having used up your bazookas, you may be required to fight using normal weapons to top up your damage and pull you over the line - especially if someone else is also going for high damage.

How do I get hold of all those resources?

Unless you are prepared to donate a load of real life money and then use your gold to buy additional bazookas parts when eRepublik offers them, then the best and only practical way is to join a military unit and save up the bonus bazookas and energy bars you get. The other bonus is that by fighting 25 times per day, you'll also rapidly increase your military rank and gain a load of bonus damage. Oh, and your country will appreciate the appearance on the battlefield. Most military units offer free food and weapons so it is relatively cheap, but might require the newer less powerful players to log on multiple times and use the hourly health regeneration to complete the mission.

Ok, so I have the resources, but where do I fight?

Firstly, never attempt to go for the BH medal when eRepublik are offering cheap bazookas parts in the shop, nor if there is some mission which involves doing damage or defeating so many enemies in a time period. Quite simply you'll be competing against a load more people who either have a load of bazookas or are fightinh extra hard. It'll just mean the amount of damage you'll need to do to get the medal rapidly increases.

-- Finding the right battlefield is key. Avoid any battle that involves any of the large countries. People will be tanked up and fighting hard to win key battles. Plus you'll find the Alfagrems on the battlefield who can lay down millions of damage without blinking.

-- Ideally look for a war between two smaller countries - especially if the battle is taking place when one side is in the wrong time zone. eg, consider fighting in Australia if it happens to be midnight there.

-- There will often be battles where one side is dominating the battle. Wait until one side is leading 1400 to nothing (or something next to nothing) where the winning side is 60%-40% winning or more. If the highest damage person on the losing side is approx 400k or less, then that might be the battle for you.

Ok, so you've found a low key battle where the highest damage on one side is 400k and the winning side is up to 1400 or slightly more and seem certain to win. Take a look at previous rounds in the battle to see if the current damage level is avaerage or so rather than much higher than normal. By waiting late in the battle, you can quickly sprint into the lead and then hopefully jog over the line before anyone else can catch you. GET READY TO FIGHT.

I usually watch for 30 seconds and look at those doing damage on my 'side' in the battle. Is there anyone suddenly laying down 10k damage? Do they stop after 3 x 10k hits or so they seem to be hitting repeatedly with bazookas? If they stop after a bazooka or two then look on the stats on who has done the top 5 damage in the battle. And keep note if the people in case anyone in that top five list starts fighting again.

So, you have your battle, no one else seems to be using a load of bazookas and none of the people in the top five damage is active. This is your Leeroy Jenkins moment...


I tend to stop using bazoookas the moment I have a margin of 90k (or 3 bazookas) over the second placed person. To cover yourself, start to use some of your Q5 weapons and top up the damage. Keep an eye on the other people fighting and take note if someone starts to use bazookas extensively or the person in 2nd place starts to fight again.

- Oh, and if you are matched against someone who is half dead and can be dispatched with a single shot with a Q-somethign weapon, then use the weapon and save the bazooka for those with full health.

If someone else does appear to also start up with the bazookas, then start to use some of yours and top by by 100k and then look at the top 5 damage list again and judge. Sometimes a person fires up and uses a load of bazookas but will run out before they are able to catch you up and will start to do normal Q5 weapon damage. Depending on how much damage they can then do with Q5 weapons, and how much you can do, I'd recommend continuing using Q5 and only use a bazooka when they are within 50k of damage. If they are doing a significantly more damage than what you can do, use 3 bazookas and watch and repeat once they get within 50k. If they are able to do close to 10k damage normally, then use bazookas and don't pause.

Since you are waiting until near the end, hopefully the battle will be over within five minutes or so and the other person won't catch you up. Unfortunately there are a few big player bum-wipes who like to see smaller players going for the BH medal and will deliberately snatch it off you for fun...

And best of luck in going for the medal....

EDIT: Just to clarify on the basis of comments below, if the top damage people are active on the battlefield or other people are clearly doing repeated bazooka damage, don't fight. I point you to the second paragraph prior to the ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK line. Stealing other people's BH Medal attempts is neither big nor clever and you should only attempt it if other people aren't clearly going for one.