Sept 25Th, You Decide!

Day 673, 01:38 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Kansas - The Sunflower State

Final speech before the September 25Th Congress Election.

Like I already mentioned in a previous article, I will be running to win the Senator seat in Kansas. I am the official representant for the America Advancement Party(also known as the AAP). The AAP is now the largest party in United States and is ranked fourth in Erepublik. The leader of the AAP is Mercurius100. You are interested in joining an active, evolving and citizens dedicated party, just send a message or visit the AAP Forum.

Even if the War is currently raging all around us, September 25Th will be an important day for all Americans. Everyone will have to vote and decide who will be representing them in Congress. I want to expose to you my ideas and explain why I will be the best candidate to represent Kansas. Many subjects need our attention right now...War, Economy, Infrastructures and Foreign policy.

Profile Link

My Platform; Priority to Military and Infrastructures
Final Updated, more detailed version

Why should you vote for me to represent you, Kansas citizens, at the USA Congress chamber? Well, like you are surely all aware, our country his currently involve in an very important world conflict. Only few weeks back from now, US had the back against the wall, relying on his last fortress(Florida). But, with an enormous wall of 1.5 millions points, Russia was not to hot at attacking it. Hopefully, we have been able to turn the tide and retake most of our land. Another epic battle await us in New Jersey in the next few days, so get ready!. I have been involve in US Military for over 2 months now. I first joined the US Training Divsion and recently, been transferred to the US Army. I understand the game mechanics and I am experienced in military matters. I am also the editor of Good Mornin' eUSA, a newspaper covering military stuff.

Even if our patriotism, motivation and activity level are very high right now with all the recent military victories over PEACE, one thing is sure, all these battles have let our country in sad shape. Since all our importants states, such as California, Texas, New Jersey.. etc., have been conquered by enemies, all the hospital and Defense Systems(DF) have been destroyed, leaving our importants regions vulnerable. Before this war, Kansas had a Q5 Hospital and was one of the 3 fortress states of United States. I am totally aware that some regions, with more strategical importance, need Hospital or DS first. But I think that once these needs will be filled, Kansas should have his Q5 Hospital back. That way, more population could live here and help the local economy based on Grain(High region).

Military funding and Taxes

But before thinking about infrastructures, we first need to push the enemies back to their home land. But all the US military organisation are very expensive. Winning battle cost a lot of golds. It is very important to be able to provide the necessary funding to all our military branches. Since most of the government money come from taxes on products and your daily incomes, its vital to keep these taxes at high rates until the war is over. With higher taxes, more money can be spent on tanking, Resistance War or acquiring Hospital or DS. Once the PEACE threat will be totally gone, I will work to get the taxes lowered. This will give you, USA citizens more money to spend on better food, higher quality house etc..


As an eRepublik player and eUS citizen, I believe that we should always be consulted and informed before each decision the government is taking. Transparency, or openness in communication, is the most important value that congressmen and the President should cherish. Citizens' opinions should always be taken into consideration when decision time comes. Every week, I will to release an detailed article about all my votes decisions on Taxes modifications, Alliances or Construction buying. You will be able to read them in this news papers. That way, you will always know what decision I have taken and you will be able to give your opinions and toughs about it.

Foreign Policy:

As we all have witnessed during this war, our allies are the most important assets to our country. We need to be careful when time comes to choose our allies. Canada, Spain, Romania, Korea, and Poland are great examples of good allies. They put their own lands in danger to help us by declaring war to our common enemy in their own land. Canada had blocked Russia and Hungary for a long time to prevent any attack on us. Spain and North Korea has sacrificed their entire country to help us. Allies are the most important assets of a country during war time. I will be totally for the MPP proposal from country that been fighting by our side during this war.

Finally, you now have a better idea of what my intentions are if I am elected Senator of Kansas. Last time I checked, I only had one registered opponent for this election in Kansas. I hope that some party are gonna present more candidates to make this a interesting and more competitive Election. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me and I will reply to all messages as fast as possible. The most important thing for the 25Th of September is to vote! And if you do vote for me, it will be even better!

Appreciate your reading? Vote and Subscribe. Thank you.

Samuel Brouillette
US Army, 4Th Division, Platoon III
AAP Member