Rylde Supports The Cham Wow Guy

Day 808, 12:08 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I support that Cham guy for this presidential election as a see it as the best benefit for private militia's and armies that are now gaining steam in eCanada. He has proven himself to be able to adap, listen and changed his views during a constructive debate. He seems to be a politician that will listen. he wants to do nothing more than have the CAF and TCO armies work more togther which for over the past 2 weeks they have tried to the best of there abilities to do so.

He has my vote and I urge all CC members to give him your vote as well. As always its just a suggestion and you make the final call.

In other news I lasted 11 days in Congress. I have been banned for mainly my constructive criticism towards Pimpdollaz and his non support of placing the NB pride hospital. Pimp has shown himself to be a very biased speaker of the house as he closes and locks multiple threads that concern him and this debate. Although after multiple requests from myself, CAF members and other congressman all the private militia and CC threads remain open.

I have officially resigned from the CPF party with no intention of ever going back. I see there strong arming tactics of placing this kind of speaker of the house in power a bad reflection on the party and those they endorse as a presidential candidate.

The positive of all this and my fellow soldiers in the CC will agree is now I can concentrate on military matters and join them in the USA fighting to crush the UK.

Vote for Chammy today everyone. A jerk soldier says so.