RW Info 26: Day 3275

Day 3,275, 06:21 Published in USA Sweden by Gentle Predator

I'll be posting info of next successful resistance wars, so everyone can get a medal, not just those with info closed to public.

I would also like to make public apology to Zmajeviti.
I am copying info from his newspaper (Vaginalni grc) with his permission.
But I did not cite him (his newpaper), because I selfishly wanted to appear exclusive.
I will, of course, cite him from now on, as it is the only fair thing to do.
You must still understand that I am sharing this info with good intentions to help others, not to gain anything by myself.
I'm reposting for info to reach bigger, international audience. I spend 2g per article.

All RWs posted have 99% chances of success, unless specified otherwise.
All times are eRep times.

Day 3275:
9:26:02 Belgium, Western Desert
11:54:15 Russia, Gyeonggi-do
12:26:03 Albania, Wexford
14:36:17 Montenegro, Transnistria
15:32:18 Finland, Pohja-Eesti
18:04:08 Poland, Minsk
22:28:02 Saudi Arabia, Mindanao

Provided by Zmajeviti (Vaginalni grc)

Good luck hunting. 🙂

Publishing in USA again.
I will be moving in some other country in future.
To stay updated, please subscribe. 🙂

Please shout and possibly endorse.
I really need more people to see these articles.
