Rule of Respect

Day 4,625, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Due to a recent conflict inside the ranks of EZC members, I thought it was a good time to clarify a policy that has made Easy Company a true Band of Brothers for as long as I have been around. We call it our “Rule of Respect”.

We respect fellow EZC members.

Generally speaking, this means we really don’t want our MU members competing against one another for the same BH or SH medals.

But it’s hard to quantify this rule.

On the one hand, Easy Company exists to serve eUSA for all her Military needs. So there is an aspect to our “respect” rule that extends beyond Military Unit boundaries.

We respect members of War, Inc., Fox Company, Cannon Cockers, Bear Cav, Black Sheep, and so on. What few scrapes we have had with individual members of other Military Units have been isolated enough that we can honestly say that we are on excellent terms with every other pro-eUSA MU.

On the other hand, eRepublik often presents us with unique and unforeseen scenarios where it would be ridiculous to expect a hard and fast rule to be spelled out in detail. I believe the current “Hot Summer Event” is one such scenario. Who could have expected Plato to give us two solid months with 30 available medals per round?

So our “We respect fellow EZC members” policy requires some nuance to understand properly.

It is the goal of this article to articulate that policy for the benefit of our members and anyone else who needs to know.

Respect is not a difficult concept to grasp.

In brief, respect means that I view others as my equal.

That’s really it in a nutshell.

It means that before I stake my claim, I seek to understand how another may also have an overlapping claim. It means I value the person with whom I may have a dispute more deeply than I value the item over which I am disputing.

In short, our Rule of Respect has more to do with valuing people over gold than it does about valuing MU members over non-MU members.

And while it might seem, at first glance, that a 2.5x increase in available medals might make people more generous with respect to standing aside and sharing wealth, it seems to have keyed into the underlying greed all humans own.

And so our Rule of Respect needs to be invoked with a bit more clarity than it has needed in past years.

There are currently 9 distinctly different battlefield sectors within which soldiers are fighting during each campaign.

4 Standard sector types across 4 Divisions (4 total sectors)
4 Terrain sector types across 4 Divisions (8 total sectors)
1 Air sector type (3 total sectors)

9 Sector types (15 total sectors) per round (per side).

Easy Company recommends the following guidelines for leveling out expectations and reducing the potential for petty arguments over Plato’s shitty gold.

If you want to stake a claim, you should expect to do the following minimums if you are fighting on the winning side of the battle:

Hit first, and accumulate the following damage within the first 10 minutes of the battle,
D1 Standard : 9 Million
D1 Terrain: 90,000
D2 Standard : 12 Million
D2 Terrain: 120,000
D3 Standard : 15 Million
D3 Terrain: 150,000
D4 Standard : 125 Million ? (But don’t get too comfortable!)
D4 Terrain: 12 Million ? (Again, don’t get comfortable)
Air Sector: 22K

If you want to stake a claim, you should expect to do the following minimums if you are fighting on the losing side of the battle:
Hit first, and accumulate the following damage within the first 10 minutes of the battle,
D1 Standard : 5 Million
D1 Terrain: 50,000
D2 Standard : 7 Million
D2 Terrain: 70,000
D3 Standard : 9 Million
D3 Terrain: 90,000
D4 Standard : 50 Million (But you may have to defend later in the round)
D4 Terrain: 7.5 Million
Air Sector: 14K

Easy Company thinks that these numbers are decent expectations for mutual respect among BH and SH hunters. If you have done this amount of damage and are being harassed by another player, it is our opinion that they are showing you a lack of respect. (This is a game, however, and people can do what they want. So these are guidelines, not rules, and if people break them, it’s best to try to settle the argument in PM, not on the battlefield. It’s so stupid to waste damage chasing 5 Gold. And it can really screw up a Training War when you do).

Now what about Easy Company members fighting against fellow Easy Company members for the same medal? Well, we all wish this wouldn’t happen.

It is the opinion of our Leadership, and therefore reflective of how we intend to settle arguments, that if a weaker member of Easy Company is trying to stake a claim with a lesser amount of damage than the above guidelines, it is best to look elsewhere for a medal.

If, in looking elsewhere, you find that this same MU member is attempting to stake multiple claims with damage numbers that are significantly less than the guidelines, it is time to have a conversation.

In other words, we do not endorse a practice of “hiding behind” our policy of not competing against fellow MU members.

Think about it.

Easy Company is, by far, the largest MU in eUSA, and that means our members bump into one another all the time. Our members account for at least half of all eUSA damage. Hiding behind the Rule of Respect by spamming low damage numbers, expecting that the better half of eUSA is then blocked from those battles is foolish, and Easy Company leadership cannot nor will not defend such foolishness. If you take the risk of staking weak claims across multiple battlefield sectors, expect problems. Easy Company prefers that you stake proper claims according to the guidelines we’ve stated above.

So our rule must be applied with common sense and, get this, respect. If someone is spamming battles with very low damage, then the best approach is to contact that member and ask him/her to commit to some but not all of the medals he is attempting to claim. It’s annoying, but it’s respectful. It is almost always better to work things out conversationally rather than by measuring damage on a battlefield. This can especially run into huge trouble when the spat is on the losing side of a Training War. Your petty argument over 3 Gold can upset an entire campaign, and it will often cost Easy Company leadership, who has to sweep in and correct the walls that you have f**ked up with your argument. Leadership likes to hunt medals sometimes too, and when they find themselves consistently wasting their damage to correct your mistakes, you lose their patience for defending your stupidity.

Respect for eUSA means we pay attention to the wall first.
Respect for Easy Company means we work things out in chat/PM.

Come on, people. We can do this.