RGR, INCI, eSerbia, and The Truth

Day 4,560, 06:53 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Lie To Me (Mandatory listening)
Day 4560 of the New World
May 15, 2020

In response to this and its comments.


I am happy you have chosen to complain about the strategies that have been employed at various times to defeat you. I won’t address your problems as Ajay. I’ll stick to RGR.

You are correct to assert that the events which led to my defeat of you and the disbandment of what was, at that time, a clear and present danger to eAmerican sovereignty, included importing other eAmerican voters from other eAmerican political parties. At no time, though, were any eFOREIGN VOTERS imported by me or any of my associates to affect any eAmerican election.

That is a critical distinction which I will address second.

First, let's talk about importing voters.

Either it's a good idea or it's a bad idea. Either it's "right" or it's "wrong". In this game, the mechanics make it entirely possible to hop into a political party on election day in order to cast a vote for a party president, if you feel strongly enough about that party's election. Plato isn't stupid. It would not be difficult to require a 3-day waiting period for voters, a voter-registration process, or any of a myriad other possible "fixes". But Plato does not regard the Political Takeover as a problem in this game. Plato has designed a game wherein this is a legitimate path to victory. So I do not agree that receiving help from outside the party is “wrong” or “bad”. Heck, my former party, the USWP, is importing an entire CANDIDATE this month.

PTO’s are almost always ugly. But they are totally part of this game. Get over it.

So is there such a thing as a “bad” or “wrong” PTO? Maybe. And this is the second thing.

What you did, RGR, is import eFOREIGN VOTERS to disrupt the ENTIRE eUSA Political process.

In your rhetoric, you claim that this is a “bad” or “wrong” thing to do. I’ve heard you complain about the INCI incursion many times (and I’ve heard you troll them with racist diatribe as well, but that is another matter). I was very alive during the INCI chapter of life (I think my first term as CP was at that time too). It was at times terrifying. They were unpredictable and powerful and above of FUN, FUN, FUN. The day they flamed out was a sad day. Long live Kutluk Bilge KiKul Bombacibaykus, festoz, and captain33.

I ate rice.

cCc Hail INCI cCc

My point, RGR, is that in decrying the eUSA’s embrace of INCI, you have damned your own embrace of eSerbians. You’ve damned your own practice of importing eSerbian citizens to eUSA citizenship so that they could impact domestic affairs.

And what you did was worse, even though I still wouldn’t call it “wrong”. INCI were not anti-eUSA. They were simply exclusively pro-INCI. eUS Politicians found a way to embrace them. They added to eAmerican culture without becoming a dangerous threat. I am sure they had plenty of discussions about trolling us by attempting to seize power and that would have been fun too, though embarrassing and sticky and a headache to undo. But they didn’t. They flamed out and moved on to another game.

What you did was to embrace eUSA’s most well-defined opponent in eRep.

eSerbia is an eNation which will never have any other ingame motive than to overthrow eUS Sovereignty. They have always wanted what they seem to have finally achieved, dominion over the eUnited States. Those are the gamers you allied yourself with. Those are the gamers you provided citizenship to. Under the in-game rhetoric of pro-USA, you sold yourself out to the least pro-eUSA group in the game.


You who incessantly and annoyingly commingle your real life political ideology and your video game persona managed to find the largest and most powerful group of eRep players who do the same thing. Do you not understand that because of real life historical atrocities the eSerbian players hate real life America? I wish it were not the case, but it is. How foolish of you to have blinded yourself to that. If you want to accomplish your goals, you’ll have a better chance winning CP of eSerbia and proposing an alliance that way. You won’t because they don’t actually like playing with you either. You gave them internal access to eUSA, so they pretended to like you.

Before I go, one final word about your answer to Krapis’ question regarding your 6K subscriptions to your Newspaper.


I made that be one word, but I’m actually not done.

RGR purchased those subscriptions with ingame cc using a well-known (at the time) eBusiness which sold them to anyone who purchased. If I had to guess, those are 95% purchased, 5% earned.

I have earned every single one of my 3388 subscriptions and have never, NEVER purchased a single one.

So please don’t lie to the newbs, RGR. It’s not fair to them.

Now for my INCI friends reading this…

RGR is still salty about how awesome you were, still eLives under the eDelusion that eSerbia can be an eFriend, and he will never eat rice.

Meanwhile, you really need to return to your regularly scheduled clicking.