Protecting the community of eJapan

Day 5,947, 05:00 Published in Japan Japan by Darshu

My Fellow eJapanese Citizens,

Contribution to ensuring that players abide by eRepublik Laws is greatly valued. Creating and managing multiple accounts to gain advantage in military battles or in politics is a serious crime in eRepublik. While we had our differences, most of us follow the rules, so eJapan could prosper for many years. Sadly, in the recent months we had to put up with the following problems:

- Are you tired of the recent months political take overs or the destruction of old political parties?

- Do you want democratic elections again?

- Are you bored of people pompously boasting about using a multi army to bend the rules both on Telegram or even in game?
See how a former president (elected with multiple accounts) ichiro2001 was renamed to UnderNewManagement to boast how they don’t care about admins.

Well, there is a simple solution to these rampant problems: we just have to make sure the leader stands a fair trial. I have been collecting evidence in the past month. You all know how Methane likes to take your CH medals, and he is not afraid to use all means: Division 4 Division 1 Division 3 Division 2

In cases, when 3967041 is losing a DIV4 battle, in every other division, AIR included, extra players come online (in most cases in the same minute) and hit against the battle, to prolong it to another round, irrespective of the wall.

I ask you to help me create a ticket. If only a few of us follow in these footsteps and report suspicious activities, the admins of this game will provide justice. Please do not misunderstand me, I do not wish to ban a player. I only want a fair judgement, whether these suspicious activities are indeed mean multiple citizen accounts.

Here is how to report suspicious activity of multiple citizen accounts. Use the link:

Click on Submit a Ticket and select Report multiple accounts with the Military related option. Click next and paste the template below into the message box.

You can also report accounts which you found suspicious, but make sure you follow these guidelines:

1. Each ticket needs to have a maximum of 10 citizen accounts reported.

2. Please only provide the citizen link OR the ID of the suspected accounts. Other information can be provided before or after the list, but please ensure there is no other text in line with the links or IDs.

Here is the template you can also use for the message box:

The following accounts interfere with military battles to make sure most of the gold ends with the highest ranking player among them: 3967041. Smaller DIV players come online one after another and all hit the same way to push the wall to the other direction.
Since regular citizens can only deploy in one battle at a time, using multiple characters provides an unfair advantage since these can prolong or end the rounds to maximise gold / medal income. This is a military related exploit considering regular citizens are in a disadvantage due to the limited fuel economy of each citizen.

Please look at the following battle
In the last round, 9683982 (even the real name is trying to poke at admins) comes online at the 90 minute mark to push the air battle to the other side to prolong the battle.
This happened shortly after 3967041 started hitting in Div 4 to protect the medals (BH + CH).

Or consider this case:
As before, in the last round when 3967041 have trouble winning the D4, 9690880, 9683982, 9644662 started hitting to turn the battle to create a further round. They all come online in the 82 minute sharp and one after another.

Please find further compelling evidence here: round 9 round 11 round 8 round 8 round 10 round 10 and 9 round 10
This is a systemic problem.
In all cases, the low division citizens push the battle points to prolong the battle with an extra round and give 3967041 a second chance to outhit other players. In many cases they are successful in extending the battles and create an unfair advantage.

If the individuals responsible for the suspicious activities are held accountable and face sentencing, we can actively contribute to restoring the health and well-being of our community.

I will continue to collect evidence and report suspicious activity as per the laws of eRepublik.

A law-abiding citizen