Pozitivan članak 1 :)

Day 4,020, 07:40 Published in Croatia Austria by Rabbit of Caerbannog

Pozdrav svim eGrađankama i eGrađanima čije oči će ovo vidjeti!

Nakon prvih tjedan dana dojmovi se lagano sliježu, pa je vrijeme i da napišem prvi članak i predstavim se 😉

Za eRepublik sam čula nedavno, vidjela sam par članaka od par eGrađana 😃 Ono što me privuklo je bila želja da ujutro uz kavu pročitam nešto zanimljivo, zabavno, inteligentno, blesavo ili nešto što će me dirnuti.. I kako to ne nalazim u RL tisku - bilo online ili u dobrom starom printu, oduševio me community ovdje i tih nekoliko članaka koje sam pročitala.. I tako da sam odlučila napraviti acc samo da bih mogla nešto zanimljivo čitati uz kavicu 😃

Da pojasnim, ja nisam gamerica, niti blizu.. Obožavam Belu, Tetris, Rummikub, Sudoku, Legiće, Carcassonne i Dixit 😃 Jedina online igra koju sam igrala je bila CoD2.. i to sa ekipom sa tadašnjeg posla.. I Tekken 2 na prastaaaroj plejki..

Nisam bila svjesna koliko će me ovaj svijet zaintrigirati sa svim ostalim što nudi.. I da je toliki gušt boriti se za eHrvatsku 😃

Svaki početak je težak, pa tako je bio i ovaj.. Zahvaljujem se MikroniCro-u, zaista si mi pomogao i sa kruhom, i oružjem, i savjetima kada je bilo najpotrebnije!
I tako.. Odabrala rezidenciju, pridružila sam se Vatrenim Gušterima (ime je zaaakon!), zaposlila se u firmi. Trenirala, marljivo radila, pucala.. I svašta nešto što mi je iskakalo kroz misije 😃 I još neke stvari koje vjerojatno i nisam trebala - ali eto, čovjek uči dok je živ.. Zato još jednom sama sebi ponavljam: Goldi nisu za trošenje 😃 I čokoladice isto čuvaj 😃

I tako ja prvi tjedan sva sretna, čak i neke medalje pokupila u Diviziji 😃 Oh da, ovim putem isprika ako sam nekome pomutila planove, nisam znala da postoje i dogovori negdje o takvim stvarima.. Ja sam samo bila sretna što imam hrane za energiju, i novaca za kupiti oružje, i ulazila u bitke iz dnevnih misija, i pucala do zadnje kapi energije 😃

Krenuo je i drugi tjedan, i shvatila sam da trebam pomoć.. i dobila savjet da se pridružim Falconsima 😉 Tako da pozdrav svim VG, bilo mi je drago dijeliti rovove sa vama prvih tjedan dana.. Ali sada je vrijeme da nabacim pilotsku kacigu i vinem se gore..

I nema predaje!


English translation: The positive article no 1 🙂
Greetings to all eCitizens whose eyes will see this!

After my first week, the impressions slowly get to their places, so it's time to write my first article and introduce myself to you 😉

I've heard just recently for the eRepublik, and we can say almost by accident - I've seen a couple of articles from a couple of eCitizens at my friends phone. And actually what attracted me was the desire to read something in the morning what is interesting, fun, intelligent, silly or something that would touch me. And as I can't find it in RL press - either online or in good old print, I was delighted by the community here and the few articles I have red. So I decided to make the acc just so I could have something interesting to read while drinking my morning coffee 🙂

And just to make it clear, I'm not a gamer, not even close.. I just love playing card game Bela (Belot), Tetris, Rummikub, Sudoku, playing with Legos, and of course Carcassonne and Dixit. The only online game I played was CoD2.. and it was on our own server with the team from the company I worked for.. And Tekken 2 on the ancient PS.. (while they were still not made black, and there were a lots of wires 😃 )

I was not aware how much this eRepublik world will intrigue me with everything else it offers. And also that it will be so much fun to fight for eCroatia 🙂

Every beginning is difficult, so it was like that with this one as well. Special thanks to MikroniCro, you really helped me with bread, and weapons, and tips when it was most needed!
And so.. I have choosen a residency, I joined the Vatreni Gusteri unit (I really like the name!), and got a job at the company. Then again trained, worked, fired.. And everything else I needed to do through missions - and some other things that I probably did not need - but we all learn every single day of our lives. So again I will repeat to myself:
1. Golds are not for spending 🙂
2. Also, keep the Chocolates 😃

So I was very happy that first week with all that I discovered, and even picked up some Decorations in the Division. Oh yes, I apologize if I messed up some plans for anybody, I did not know there could be some rules or arrangements for that. I was just happy to have the energy (ff), and money to buy weapons, and was fighting the battles from daily orders, and was shooting to the last drop of my energy 😃

And now, another week has started, and I realized that I need more help.. and got an advice to join the Croatian Falcons. So it was time to say thank you and bye to all the VGs, I was happy to share the ditches with you in my first week on the eRep. But now it's time to put on a pilot helmet and to fly up in the sky..

And never give up!
