North Korea: How We Come To Be...

Day 943, 19:10 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

North Korea was once a thriving industrial state, but a series of unfortunate events would lead to our current state of economic depression, and political oppression. Our original stable governmental structure has completely collapsed, and all of the former ruling party- the (City Party) members have fled to Japan, where they are successful again. Everything literally fell apart, every department and ministry is completely destroyed. The entire Russian mandate over North Korea is held by their appointed governor KasedY, he controls all relations with Russia & Bulgaria, the only NK ally. The Russian congress members don't do any productive work, it's all show. Their only job is to prevent us, the resistance from being successful. That is what has become of us, a once successful political party has turned into nothing but a political liberation front led by its lesser leaders, such as myself. I was a political adviser during our glorious years, but now I've taken control, because almost nobody has any interest in North Korea anymore.
We once produced the cheapest weapons in the world. Our economy was completely fueled by the production of arms, in fact it is just that that led to our current situation and oppression. We were a puppet state of Eden per-say, a small productive ally of the United States with nothing more than a small inadequate defensive army. What we had that interested the United States was as I said the cheapest weapons in the world. At this time, the United States and EDEN were involved in a brutal conflict against Russian led PEACE GC, and PEACE had invaded the USA, and was conquering nearly every state, along with almost all of neighboring Canada. Russia wanted to finish off the two fortress states of the US, New Jersey & Florida, as well as Canadian fortress Manitoba. The problems faced was the large wall formed by the population shift to the regions, but USA was also counter attacking successfully with ridiculously cheap Q5 weapons from a little puppet state called North Korea. Russia wanted to take any advantage away, so they sent a group over to wipe out our congress through a political takeover, which they certainly had the power to do. Facing certain political destruction from a PTO, President Drago made the controversial decision to launch a counter attack into Russia to block their advance into Pennsylvania and/or New Jersey. The blocking operation was a success, but as you may figure, North Korea was wiped off the map. This was a year and a half ago, and look at our progress. I'll say we've had a few successful liberations, one by the Polish Legion, but nothing was ever the same again. Our last successful life as a nation lasted only two months before another Russian PTO group moved in once more. Now we sit where we stand, little progress, increased oppression.