NKWP- Party Elections

Day 933, 19:55 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Party elections are right around the corner, and as many know I have every intention to remain Party President up until next round, when I'll be aiming for another congressional run. Now in the congressional run, Strasser is ultimately our #1 official candidate, but we always have a backup candidate that we try to squeeze into a seat. This secondary candidate is always anonymously selected, it could be you, you just need to GET ACTIVE and apply yourself. As a matter of fact, I'd love for all of your underclassmen out there to send me an application explaining why YOU would be a great #2 on our official ballot. I PROMISE I will answer your application with great gratitude, and make my final selection based on who I think is the most qualified. It's not about your skill level, it is all about how you feel, or what you want to accomplish. So please send me your congressional application today, I await what you have to hear.

Thank You, Oogieboogie3 (NKWP President)