My First Article

Day 1,955, 23:31 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Nyx Lynx

When Shin Gouki, the fluffy pussy (check out his Avatar) asked me to join the game, I decided to sign up and give it a try.

Although I am new here and a little oblivious to the goings-on of the nation, I am very curious and interested to learn and be one among all you nice, intelligent, brave, smart, cool, charming and delightful people [that’s enough sycophancy for today, I gather 😛]

Under the adept guidance of Shin Gouki, I wish to contribute unreservedly to the progress of the nation and build it up to make it stronger and more independent. My otherwise spectacular head is reeling after looking at the map!

I would love to get to know each one of you and make friends. I could also use a lot of help in getting educated about the game and optimize my contribution. If I do happen to falter in someway by making the occasional customary newbie mistakes, please kick my mentor Shin in the shin.

In days to come, you can expect more articles from me and I like strategy games so I do hope to have a lot of fun. I also happen to be a RL ninja warrior with an uncanny ability to spot and kick major butt!

I request you to vote up my article and also subscribe because trust me, you don’t want to miss my lunacy.

-Nyx Lynx

[Nyx btw is the elusive goddess of Night and Lynx is a cute animal with an ‘x’ in it and also weird ears 😁]

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