My 25 Commenters Petition.

Day 3,996, 17:24 Published in Israel Israel by Agapeo Ben Josiah
My Oh My how I have grown in this game, just a few months I was but a kid trying to earn my place.
Now I have 2 House Factories, a Lumber Mill, and can make a house almost every few days!
It is my hope that eIsrael continues to create such Active NON-MULTI Citizens...
This is the great difficulty of today's MMO Gamer- how to bring at least slightly active players to their game.
Getting them to pay something into the game is always hard, as they see "Free to Play" as "You Get to Play the Whole Game for nothing at all!!!"
And, yes, keep them from acting like an idiot and getting banned is always hard too!

It is my belief that paying into FTP games is the only valid way to play, and researching your purchase is always important!

As is activity levels and the ability to bridge the hours between for those who wish to communicate.

Also, a living wage for a new player is much higher than it is for an established adult citizen, and as such I have a proposal I will be sending to the eIsrael eKnesset, a proposal, which may or may not help with this.

I also wish to wish you all a good winter, wherever, and whenever you are.