Life Below #10, Part I

Day 4,274, 22:36 Published in USA USA by Hcmadman legione astra equitum

Date: 22:30 Day 4274
By: Hcmadman

There is a murky world few mark the passage of, filled the the unfortunate, the unloved, the unmotivated, and the unamerican.

No Im not talking about the line at the DMV, or the denizens who get locked in the sprouts overnight after succumbing to spice fumes.

I am referring to the political parties who reside below the 10 most popular, their existence shrouded to keep unsuspecting twerps from joining them, a clever invention by the devs to stave off PTOs.... or at least that was the original intent.

To be sure at one time it was an essential stopgap to ward off a bot infestation, but now, a decade on, has this stopgap outlived its usefulness?
Are we so firmly in the grip of terror that we cannot conceive of legitimate parties rising from below?

It is a matter to ponder, one which I am sure can draw much debate, yet that is not the main purpose of this article.

Indeed The purpose of this article is to enumerate the lowly parties which receive so little attention.

#11 American Freedom Alliance

Well there is nothing like the current incarnation of PTH now going by Ronald Gipper Reagan (NOT to be confused with my long dead friend Ronald Reagan Reborn) to head up the first spot on this list. I can hear the ammunition being loaded in the debate cannons right now.

But facts be facts and only fools blind themselves to the truth. The party of the erstwhile pot stirrer boasts a membership of 3 and orients Far-right, Totalitarian.
There is no info section.

#12 Social Fun Party

The next party on the block is run by polyplektis, has a membership of 2 and orients Far-left, Anarchist.
The info section reads "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. Have fun and prosper."

#13 Korean-American Society

Unlucky 13 is the Korean-American Society, run by sochun23, the party has a membership of 2 and orients Far-right, Authoritarian.
The info section reads "Korean American Party"

#14 The Unknown Alliance Party

The Unknown Alliance Party is headed by LordMonroe, has a membership of 2, and an orientation of Center, Libertarian.
The info section reads "We Believe in a Free eUSA"

#15 Native American Party

This party is run by thesilenttypewriter, has a membership of 1, and the Orientation is Far-left, Libertarian.
The info section reads "Arapaho, Cheyenne, Lakota and Sioux."

Be sure to return for subsequent installments in life below #10!