Jamesw - The North West's UKRP Candidate

Day 730, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

The UK Congressional elections are upon us, and again I will be representing the UKRP in the North West region.

But what can I offer?
As a candidate, I am mindful of the lack of a truly active North West congressman. Whilst glover & Davott have been fantastic; they are much more active on a national level; the regional is sort of added on. Goku Jones (our third congressman) decided to leave half-way through his term.

As a congressman, I will seek to ensure that all of the NW is informed about our eUK National Forums and will seek to increase activity and head-count over there.

But why me?
This month, I have served as your Council Chairman, and in this time have overseen a relatively active council. We have had some great fun on the forums, managed to conquer Scotland and the North East and had a good laugh; but there aren't enough of us on there! I have also served as the UKRP's Recruitment Director, and have been helping the UKRP recapture active, as well as capturing new members.
As well as this, I had a short apprenticeship with the Ministry of Work and helped quite a few NW citizens find better jobs whilst there. I am also currently serving as a Gifting Apprentice - A national initiative where anyone under 40 wellness can seek assistance; PM me if you need this help.
I am also serving as Secretary to the Treasury which involves me helping our Chancellor, DillTheDog, in improving the eUK's economy.

In short, I am an active, dedicated and well experienced candidate. I serve in many realms of the eUK's national government, and government policies. I would be honoured to serve you in congress, and hope that together we can make the north west a truly great place.

What will I do?
I will vote on your behalf in 100% of congressional votes.
I will be seeking to support all votes that lower taxes,
I will be supporting us in any times of war.
I will support any presidential orders that are sensible, and well explained
I will not seek to replace a democratically elected president via impeachment.
I will do my utmost to support and back any president in their agenda.
I will also seek to increase activity and experience within the north west, as well as assisting any citizen in their goals.
Should anyone require a job; I will try and help them.
Should anyone seek a government post, I will do my best to find them one.

On the 25th, please vote jamesw for a stronger, better and more active North West.