I should probably think of a witty title, but I cannot be assed.

Day 1,966, 10:10 Published in United Kingdom New Zealand by Mr Knee

What has happened was never a PTO - take a look at the number of votes the second place person got and appreciate the feeble number of votes that was necessary. Want to know where the 30-odd votes our PP got came from? Inside the party. From memory, our PP was the only person who bothered to send messages stating he was standing, here is his manafesto and could he get your vote? From my understanding of the situation, none of those involved needed to import people from other parties to boost the PP's vote - look at the total number of people who voted and compare with prior months. PTO? Nah, just one half of the party being more organised than the other half and the losing half complaining because the people in the party they disagreed with were more organised..And then most of them threw their toys out of the pram, left the party in a huff and returned "to save the party" when they found eAustralia didn't think much of them. (Oh wait, I recall, it was because they had already run out of citizenship passes...!). Ultimately the so called PTO happened not because of any great effort but from a general indifference within the party...

As for the aftermath, what a load of bolshevik as Bob Mortimer said to Vic Reeves.. I might not entirely agree with everything that has happened, but I have found a lot of statements etc to be somewhat off putting and alarming. On the basis that above I don't believe a PTO actually happened (not in a real sense), reading from various people that members from other parties like NE will be moving into the party in order to boost the votes sits very uncomfortable. There are (at time of writing) about 120-130 people in the party. That is sufficent to remove the current PP and replace with someone of whom most in this thread would agree to 'represent' their views more. If the existing 90 odd people who didn't vote for the PP last time cannot be convinced to vote for an alternative this time, then that reflects badly on the party.

Then there are comments such as:

"Fight for UKPP The Party was created and is funded by us, hand it back, you do not own it"

(I've seen a few others on the similar vein)

on this thread. Since when has anyone in this party had some sort of claim of ownership over the party?? I know Sir Nick thought he had a divine right to be elected leader of the party whenever he put himself forward for election, but...... From some of the comments I've read, it is like being on Animal Farm.

I think the party is in many ways at a major crossroad as to where it goes from here. In the relative distant past, the UKPP gained membership - largely in part thanks to Sir Nick and his chums Master Visa and Mister Mastercard.The fact the numbers in the party was raising meant that a number of keen would be leaders became involved in the party, lead and then passed on the batton to the next guy. Alas, there isn't anyone stepping up to the mantal now The party peaked as an alternative to the TUP in the run up to Big Ant joining and becoming CP in the back of that popularity. Alas his egotistical performance as CP almost certainly tarnished the UKPP's reputation and from reading the comments from articles, the UKPP was always in danger of slipping into third place and NE becoming the main opposition to TUP. I could see us following in the long term footsteps of the UKRP.

To be honest, with no fresh dynamic leader figures stepping forward and the same old faces deciding they are in charge, the party seems stale. I do, in parts, agree with Wayne on the point that the party needs a huge kick up the backside, the removal of the trash* and for the party to decide exactly what it represents from this point. It is almost if on the back of getting Big Ant elected as CP that there has been a creeping of complacency. Of the ring leaders who have complained most about the whole business this month, how many of you have stood for PP and made a serious bid? And I mean a real serious bid where you have tried to canvass proper support... It seems a lot of you have hit the button to make yourself available and then did nothing. Oh and commenting "vote for me" on the UKPP chat thread on the day of the party election doesn't count as everyone else spams the UKPP feeds the same way.

I suspect I will probably compound the problem by two clicking for a while... It isn't as if I am planning to, but I found most of this month to be tiresome and beyond a quick rant, I can not find the motivation to respond to all the rubbish that has been spouted since....

* I suspect people will probably think I mean people like Big Ant and / or the others who legged it and then complained from afar. This is not so, although there might be overlap in some cases. The UKPP have lost a load of members but to be honest, about 90% never posted on the UKPP threads and from general observation only contributed to the party in so far as voting (in same cases for the promise of gold). They might have left due to feeling that the current PP didn't represent them, but they never commented what they wanted in the first place.