How the Greeks are manipulating game tokens

Day 5,664, 00:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

As we know you cannot lower the token prices behind a certain point or raise it.

Currently its at 15800 and I have placed an offer at 16500. Now can I place an offer at 15100 which is the same amount lower than I have raised the price with.

Yes quickly deleted it: Lets try at 17000 first. Yep possible making the opposite price 14600. Still possible. 17500 perhaps

Yep still possible : opposite price 14100 still possible.

Now lets go way out there and make the price 12000

13000 as well

The price cannot be much lower or higher than yesterday’s average.

13500 is possible

lowest we can go is 13140 about someone actually bought my 1 game token for that price before I could remove it.

Highest is roughly 17700.

So the possible daily fluctuation is 2660 downwards

If you probably played ping pong the whole day and placed and removed the offer I suppose the game would count that is an offer and could perhaps count it in the average.

The maximum upward fluctuation is 1950 at 17800 it didnt allow a sale but on 17750 it did.

Game mechanics
After taxes the net price is

Price / unit
17750 IEP
Tax / unit: 887.50IEP
Net price: 16,862.50IEP

That is a profit of +- 1000 cc. So its easy to see why the particular game mechanic is forcing an upward trajectory in prices.

Rough calculation puts the taxes at 5% of the sale price


Quantity 1
Price / unit:16700 IEP
Tax / unit: 835 IEP - 5% exactly
Net price: 15,865 IEP

So your lowest profit offer is at 16700 making 65 IEP profit

So the mechanic is driving the prices up. It seems players in Greece is buying the tokens and placing them at the highest price being 17750.

They probably buy say 1000 and then wait till it sell before repeating the process 1000 x 1000 = 1 million profit for a few days work.

So in my opinion its again bad game mechanics as a concerted effort can keep on repeating this pushing the prices upper and upper,

The fact is also that if the taxes go to the country the 1000 can be made by simply raising the price a tiny amount less even your 16700 would be nearly a 835 profit so 16400 would be nearly a 500 profit/

For Joe Smo on the bottom this means he can no longer buy packs using game tokens .

So how this mechanic works a country like Greece buys game tokens in mass using its government. taxes for sales returns to government. so they then sell it at 1000 tokens for +- 1000 profit which is much lower for the government than a normal player as the taxes return to them.

Nice little exploit the greeks have probably been exploiting for years.

Well done guys.