Happy Budrthday !!!

Day 2,304, 04:47 Published in Italy Italy by Bud Spencer

It was 2008, the 12th of March. A 32 old man who just became father of a beautiful daughter was playing Hattrick, battling in a furious bidding with a swedish guy, targeting an utopic forward with the "quick" speciality. It was all about being cool, wait the last seconds and re-bid the forward, to make the swedish one waste more time and give up. Waiting the right moment to click on "your've been overbid" a new message broke into the news scroll, causing a shit of mistake in my bid and the loss of the quick forward.

"WTF ... €£$#%¥£$%}#%!!!"

While reciting the Holy Bible in an unrepeatable way, i opened the indicted message with the only purpose to overwhelm that unlucky guy, but soon i was stopped by the object: "This is a new online game, Italy needs you, we are in trouble, please help us!"

A proud patriot, brave soldier and though man like me couldn't let that appeal fall down without doing something, so, a pair of minutes later, Bud Spencer was breathing his first sighs in the eWorld; damn Gensi (this was the name of the friend who wrote the message), damn the Admins, it took only a few minutes and i was dealing with another online game (in the moment i'm writing, it's the only which survived).

First steps weren't too difficult: i was queued with all the new arrivals, got my brief instructions, a bucket of food, a pair of gifts and soon i was assigned to one of the factories; in a short time i was a good worker in the gifts manufactory (the working skill in your production sector, and your productivity, used to increase every day after worked), so i began working in Q2 then Q3 factories, increasing my income.

There was nothing much to do all day, so a bunch of players, next to become RL friends, involved me in forum talks, with e-social and e-political threads; they were Bisiacco, Rocco Marcelli, Akira, Mappina, (many others, sorry for not mentioning all of you) and overall, twist of fate, Terence Hill! Can you understand, my dear followers? The day I registered in Erep as Bud Spencer (and i really don't know why i choose this nickname since i used to call my PG's with another nick in all my online games), i've found a guy called Terence Hill who fitted all my "best friend" characteristics!
He sold me the half of his factories and we begun working together, in eItaly first, then in eUK. Our friendship became soon the greatest I had in any online game I played, and late in 2008 we starded to plan real life things like meeting at Milan when i was there for work, or at the sea (where my town is) for a weekend with our own families. Still remaining in touch in RL, we parted ingame because he was in need to find his America, so I bought his factory'ss fifty and i began working with Lotfire; good fellow, great partner!
In the meanwhile a great game improvement was set by the Admins: WAR!
As the nice goldbuyer I was, I became soon a great warrior: it was easy to fight, you had only to stay tuned on a battle waiting for someone to join, look him as quickly as possible and decide: "he's tough... Stay away" or "he'a soft chicken... I crush him with a single hit"!
Working and living in the eUK, I was fighting for the Royal Navy, mantaining relationships with all the eItalian friends, until a bad day eUK's and eItaly had to fight against each other. I couldn't! Impossible!
So i left everything to Lotfire, and I came back home; eItaly was plagued by social and political disease, more than ever in that moment, and there i lost my passion for this game, and i left.
Terence was still in touch with me, we continued our friendship by emails and messages. One day he disappeared! WTF?
I wrote him, I called his phone number and i tried to find him at work, I came back in Erepublik, where I was sure to find him. Result: nothing!
After a pair of weeks i heard the phone ringing, his number on the screen. My answer will remain in the world's top 3 fail ever "hooow mate, I tough you were dead!". On the other side, the crying voice of his wife announced me that was for real, that he took something like leukemia and died in a short time.
That was too much, also for me, sometimes called "ice-hearth" for my way to react.
And I left again, no sense to stay, no more wish to play!
I came back to my real life feeling the strange sensation to have a wonderful wife, a lovely daughter, the 3 greatest brothers in the world, a lot of friends and teammates (american football fellows) ready to burn in the hell for me, and a black hole in my stomac (i tried to fill it with alchoolics but i'm still working on it).

Early morning, some months ago, trying to find i don't know what between the spam of my email address, i've found the desperate call of Erepublik and I asked myself "why should I come back?", but I took my time to decide.
After I had a pair of Jack Daniel's watching the sea from my favourite armchair on the terrace, i decide😛 "this is my second occasion, Terence would do it for me and for eItaly, and i will do it for him and for eItaly"

And there I am, for my new co-citizens, for my old and new friends, for my wife's happiness and for Ivan, who's passion for this game will live forever in both my mind and heart!

Cheers my friend, glasses up! today's drinks are on my check! I will send a symbolic food to the ones who leave comments! 🙂