Hail Astrid 5 CP

Day 2,989, 22:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

If elected I promise to do all the ideas

will ignore congress

will make national mu. by calling it sex pistols, no one will be able to resist

either that or i'll jack ur tax rate so fukin high until u join

will do public referendums to vote on proposals made in articles

no committees or any of that shit, because it'll basically turn out like another version of congress

not really feeling the "assign parties to ministries" thing, though

you'd be missing out on some of the best ppl 4 the job just cos they're not in the right party

n there'd still be controversy over who gets what

i think the total democracy idea is still the best - having ppl who want to work for the govt, work for the govt

actually kinda like the current system

so i'd like publish an article saying "who wants to join Ministry A?" then for like a week ppl who are interested would have time to sign up n stuff

which i guarantee like only 3 ppl will sign up

n 2 will be from nifty

then ppl will b like "jobs for the boys" eh

You could argue that without Congress the need for parties themselves would vanish, and they could be renamed as ministries (like a party called Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, and anyone interested in that ministry would join that party)

but tbh parties aren't even about politics at all, it's more like a place where all your friends are

which makes the "assign ministries to parties" thing all the more unworkable. Like, out of, let's say, 40 members who have been assigned Ministry A, maybe only 10 care about what Ministry A does. So 30 ppl aren't gonna do anything anyway, because they aren't interested in the thing at all. But they're not gonna leave the party, because of the whole "XYZ until i die" attitude. So party activity wasn't encouraged, which was the whole point, right?

so yeah anyway i'd still say separate ministries where anyone can join regardless of party affiliation is a good thing

but the simple fact is not a lot of ppl want to be a part of the govt anyway

having this party ministry assignment thing is just kind of a way to force ppl into trying to be part of govt

is that a good or bad thing? i dunno

so as a lazy fuk i'd advocate a "Total Democracy"-ish ministry system, where those who want to join and help, can. And those who don't, aren't forced to do anything, but you can't really complain about stuff.

so yeah all ministry-related stuff would probably still take place in PMs, which you can't really help although I hate it, I really think that a better system would be a forum where all uk citizens can see what's happening, whenever they're interested. I think there are probably a lot of ppl 2 busy to commit to working in govt, but when they do come on they want to know what's going on, which sadly they can't because they're not part of the PMs. Which makes them feel left out.

We could make a private forum with confirmed eUK members (like, sending the password to their eRep profiles, so we know it's really them). Seems liek effort tho and as noted i am a lazy fuk

EDIT: we could possibly use discordapp instead of forums/PMs. It's a bit like IRC but looks like whatsapp and more importantly seems like you can make the chat private and share a link to ppl so they can access the channel. r8 kewl

as cp i'd relinquish full control of the ministries to those interested. do whatever you guys want! so if u care about tax rates, declare an interest and join the MoF PM. if u wanna change our battle prios, go join the MoD PM and have your say. etc etc. You can join as many ministries as you want, and you can change and shape it however you and your fellow ministry members feel like.

YOU are in control. YOU shape your destiny. YOU decide your future.

so the cp doesn't have 2 do anything but collect a medal ayy lmao

will also use govt money to publish trolling articles in other countries to make them surrender (just as effective as COs, and cheaper)

will create new MoPTO to reach out to Brit citizens who have become forigs to try and steal the forig treasuries

will restore the gr8 british empire in 30 days

will save the children

pls gib medal