Greetings from Romania/ Поздрав из Румуније

Day 881, 11:37 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic of Moldova by MermaidPrincess

Dear citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I have been appointed by the Romanian government to serve as ambassador in your country. It is a great honour and privilege to be assigned in your country. I look forward to working with you closely to achieve our mutual goals and to address our shared concerns.

Поштовани грађани Босне и Херцеговине, ја сам била именованa од стране румунске владе да служе као амбасадор у вашој земљи. То је велика част и привилегију да буде додељена у вашој земљи. Јa радовати се унапријед раде са вама блиско да остваримо заједничке циљеве и на адресу наше заједничке проблеме.

With outmost respect and consideration
Уз највеће поштовање и обзир

Mermaid Princess
Ambassador of Romania
Амбасадор Румуније

Below, I present you the Romanian President and Government:

President: buru

Minister of Defence (MoD): Alpho
Secretary of Defence (vMoD): Vlad Sabau

Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA): Crista22
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (vMoFA): ILDottore

Secretary of the Treasury (National Bank): Maurits
Under-secretary of the Treasury : sepuku and DDanica2

Secretary of Labour: Rock3rRullz
Under-secretary of Labour: aerbod
Under-secretary of Labour, National Security branch: hoderaz and Gooffree

Secretary of Education and head of Welcoming Committee: Griss0m
Under-secretary of Education : evilgod and Alexamy

Secretary of Information : JamesParker
Under-secretary of Information : Victor Gheorghe

Secretary of Media : AlexCalance and RebornJedi

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at any time!
Ако имате питања, слободно ме контактирајте у било које време!

Mermaid Princess