Day 637, 09:26 Published in USA USA by Angerforge

Not only did we ask for surrender terms from PEACE (which they rejected, well Russia did) we have gone on a proce gouging spree when it comes to weapons.

Honestly those of you who are left in the eUSA and own weapon companies should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to make a profit when your country's military needs the weapons to fight and so do the members of the home (national) guard.

Instead of helping your fellow citizens to do all they can to fight to their maximum potential by making weapons affordable to both the official government quartermaster system and to private citizens; you may have instead doomed us to being a two state nation because of your greed!

For those who are not fighting and following orders, those of us who are don't want to hear you whine and complain as eUSA state after state have been taken by our enemies.
If you had stood up and fought for your country instead of spending your time trying to be a profiteer we might not be in the mess we are in.

Thanks to all of you who have set up the eUSA for an epic fail because you just did not care enough to do the right things.