ePakland These Days

Day 2,509, 08:46 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by sso89

My Dear Fellow Countrymen,

While being on a 2 click mode for like 3 months, I have found out that this country we r living in has been taken as a bloody restroom. Guys like seriously, old and RL Pakistanis either have left the game or immigrated to the other countries. People from other countries comes, spend some time and flee.

No one seem to be taking serious to anything in here. No one seems to be loving this country. I have decided countless times to go away but i cant. This country is my love. I just cant let it go. Where are all those who debated day n night for the Presidency? Where are those politicians who claimed to be loving this country and spending everything they had for this country???

They have all left, they have fled.
The broken promises, the incomplete projects the word by word written constitution, etc.

Nothing left. I find no similar faces in the current Government.
I miss the old ePakistan...


Signing off
