DAL doesn't care about you.

Day 789, 05:44 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

This here is solid proof that the DAL doesn't look after its members or care about them.

I run a Q2 food company called Rylde's red ale. Best damn ale in eCanada. I recently had a citizen apply for a job with my company. He worked one shift and requested 2 gold. I thought to myself why the hell would he need 2 gold. It didn't take me long to see why.

The guy was at 30 wellness at level 11. My first instinct was to fire his ass and let him rot with the DAL party. Hey I was hungover I didn't wanna bother. I found a rare nice streak that I posses and decided to help the guy out.

I gifted him 6 wellness and bought him one Q5 food with directions on how to fight and use the hospital.


He only has 3 friends one of them Citizen B. I'm sure an strong advocate of canada like him would of helped him in a time of need. Or atleast trained him to stay alive. Oh wait he asked some random business owner to save his ass.

You say that Citizen B is over worked and can't take care of everyone. Well why the hell is he messaging so many people to join up with his party if he can't help them stay alive. oh yeah i forgot they just want voters. I wonder how many players the DAL has killed by not having the manpower to take care and pass simple advice such as wellness maintainment.

The 2 clickers are there weakness guys. Set aside a few guys in your party wanting to prove themselves and start helping the DAL 2 clickers. A little 1 on 1 goes along way. Even when I was Brucks slave in the CC its how I recruited.
I helped this guy out and gave him simple advice to better himself. He's now a proud member of the CEP.