Day 3,044, 13:57 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Mst Splinter

Hello friends and allies

I will be straight to the point:

This game is dying, many players too. eCyprus, one of the coolest communities in eRep doesnt have any single organized MU with structure.

So, as commander and creator of TSOGLANS, I want to invite every single friend and ally of eCyprus, especially the eCypriots who play together with us for a long time in our Military Unit.

The TSOGLANS MU opens its gates for all the friends of us and eCyprus.

We recruit Division 3 and Division 4 for now.

What we offer?
-everyday free supplies of: 5 q7 weapons + 100 q2 food
-extra supplies for those who hold eCypriot citizenship
-Gold and currency for those in need of upgrading their Training Grounds
-fun and combinated attacks

Come, join us, have fun with us