Comment about "Me Hypocrite or just butthurt from afar?" article

Day 2,407, 08:17 Published in United Kingdom New Zealand by Mr Knee

A few days ago, I wrote an article in general relation to BH Hunting and other things - I have deleted it and basically replaced it with this one as that article had run its course and I got the validation I was after. For those unaware of the article, I basically won a BH and the person in second place messaged me and implied I was a hypocrite for doing so. There was a mailroom discussion, but because of prior mailroom discussions post-BH winning, I think collectively the conversation had too much prior prejudice of the other person's personality and we probably unintentionally further antagonised each other. Hence, the article I published.

I think most people who read it misunderstood my intention for the article. But first, some background context about me...

^ Yeah I pinched this from Neil's TGIF and is not relevant, but good enough as a break to a block of text. (although maybe a good metaphor for those involved who in places acted like a pair of tits)

Long story short, I have a lot of autistic personality traits although I have never been officially tested - I don't see the point as knowing wouldn't alter the way my brain is wired. On a plus point I find it easy to emotionally distance myself so that when I stated in the article I really didn't care one way or another if the other person thought negatively of me, that was the truth. For the whole of the 'debate' I was perfectly calm and not remotely annoyed, butthurt or any of the other suggestions. The questions I asked was generally down to seeking understanding and not trying to trip the other person up.

The negative flipside is that when I was accused of hypocritical behaviour, I had absolutely no idea how that conclusion was reached. And I simply lack the social skills to manoeuvre the mailroom conversation to probably find that out. Anyone who plays this game who shares this autistic trait will probably understand the frustration of knowing someone is upset or annoyed with you and not understanding why. I accept that most likely 2/3rds of the misunderstanding between me and the other guy is my brain's fault. It confuses me when people read something into something I say and I see no immediately link to what I thought I said and how the other person took it.


The article was basically about validation. I wanted it abstract so that people could respond and give clues as to if they though I was hypocritical or not. And if people did, I would ask them for an explanation (and hope it made sense). I had hoped that the other person would remain anonymous but then the other party posted early on "He is talking about me" and it went from abstract to more specifics which kinda derailed the whole thing.

The important thing is he did actually retract the "you are a hypocrite" statement within the public conversation- it meant I no longer had to try and work out in what way I might have been hypocritical. There was no misunderstanding on my part in terms of my behaviour at the time (of fighting in that particular battle). Obviously there was plenty of misunderstanding between myself and the other guy sequentially.

I suspect that neither of us will exactly be friends within this game and there will be a certain aspect of not mixing. This follow up article is not intended as an apology, although I happily acknowledge and take my half of the blame for all the open bitchiness (or whatever word people prefer) that took play both prior and after the 3rd BH was won.

Oh, and on a side issue, there were those who commented that suggested people think I take the winning of BH medals too seriously for what is ultimately just a game. The honest truth is not really.

The simple truth is that I happen to be someone who happens to be a higher level player within Division 3 and as a result, I have an inherent strength advantage when it comes to winning BH medals. When I log in the morning and convert 2000 energy (thanks to bonus energy buildings) into 15 million or so damage, this figure is out of the range of (say) 2/3rds of the people in Division 3 - especially those who have only recently promoted into the division. Plus the times I log on is usually early or late in the day when most eUK players are probably only just getting up or have gone to bed and therefore is in a more quiet period. In the last 3-4 months, I'd guess that 99% of the BH medals I have won have been done without the use of energy bars etc. The BH medals have been won as part of attempting to win the battle for the sake of winning the battle. I've really not needed to chase them. My claim that winning BH medals is a secondary consideration does actually apply 99% of the time. I am sure the Alfagrems of this world have a similar attitude to BH medals when tanking for Britain.

If I am being honest, it is the few times that people like Orinocco have forced me to tank to win a medal that has been most fun as it feels I have actually worked for it. Although admittedly it was partly shared with disappointment at the time that damage was wasted when the eUK was being invaded - this was not intended as a dig at Orinocco and I extend that to anyone in the eUK who has wasted damage chasing BHs when the eUK needs the damage to be done more sensibly (and I am probably equally guilty in this).

I have no idea how people who read this article will respond it to it. I am sure I will be surprised at whatever tangents it may take.