A few things I've learned about land development.

Day 1,475, 16:58 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

Things I have learned so far about developing land
Thanks to all the coaches

1. Work hard on upgrading your town center. This is essential in being able to work in the many buildings you will have on your land and being able to fight as well.

2. Your 1st looooong term goal should be to max out your food company to a Q5 and get 18 cattle farms($153,000 with land) to support 5 employees and yourself. Then you should work on doing the same with your weapons factory. This all should be possible without buying gold but will take a long time. I personally have spent around $20.00 real life money on gold for this game. It gave me a little boost and I don't think I will NEED to spend anymore RL money on it.

3. Always go for the Cattle Farm or the Saltpeter Mine. At this point in eRepublik's economy they are by far the best deal. They are actually cheaper than the Fishery and Aluminium Mine right now while gold is at $1000+ USD and they provide more raws. Get all the cattle farms and saltpeter mines you can before the admins fix this.

4. Never upgrade a company before an upgrade sale. Hopefully there will be another upgrade sale in the future. The drop in the discount this last time has me worried they may either stop it entirly, make it way less frequent, or drop the discount below the 44% they gave during the anniversary sale. They seem to like 30% for some reason. I'm thinking they will be dropping the discount below 44%. I'm hoping they won't change anything and keep the 50% discounts.

5. Everyone should already know this. Save as much money as you can. Use what you produce and try not to buy anything. Working in a commune may also help you save yourself from buying food or weapons. You can play the market and make a profit if the prices are right by selling your USD for gold then selling the gold for USD. If you don't really have time for that there are a couple of ebanks out there that will do this for you and give you weekly interest. Contact Tosh O'Point for Point Bank or Mr. Andrews for eCitizens Bank.

6. Make sure if you hire an employee and sell what they produce that you can't make more money off the raw materials the employee uses. I've made this mistake. Thanks to Gnilraps I've corrected this. I've also made a chart to illustrate this.

This chart does not include tax and uses our current 60% food bonuses.

This is food companies only. I didn't make a chart for weapon companies because they should look about the same or worse.

I'm sure there is more that could be mentioned

Maybe these tips will help someone who is not currently receiving any coaching in this area. Can anyone else add anymore tips?

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