75th Ranger Regiment

Day 4,776, 06:22 Published in Croatia Austria by Jacques de Mollay

The 75th Ranger Regiment is the U.S. Army's main major special operations force, made up of some of the world's most elite soldiers. The Rangers specialized in joint special operations operations and joint forced entry operations.

Being a Ranger is an honor.
The Rangers are the most elite large combat force. Their mission, depending on the operation, can range from capturing an airfield to special reconnaissance to directing action attacks on selected targets and individuals.
To become a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, you need to possess the mental strength, physical fitness, moral character, and self-motivation needed to withstand hard training and overcome the challenges you will face.
Rangers' famous motto "Rangers, lead!" "Rangers, Lead the Way!" it arose during the Allied invasion of Normandy.

Although the modern 75th Ranger Regiment was founded relatively recently, U.S. military units with the same operational philosophy as the Rangers existed even before the American Revolution.

Robert Rogers
The history of the Ranger precedes the revolutionary war. Robert Rogers the famous “Rogers‘ Rangers ”used unconventional combat tactics during the French and Indian Wars.

His ingenuity was legendary. His soldiers were known to travel on sledges, snowshoes, and even skates, and his strength was one of the few foreign units that operated effectively in inhospitable conditions.

Rogers wrote “28 Ranking Rules” as a guideline for his soldiers during the conflict. Over the years, Rogers ’rules have been adapted in a variety of ways, but the 75th Ranger Regiment considers the historical setting part of its heritage.
Settlers and pioneers usually made up the bulk of the forces.
These forces were primarily tasked with stifling Native American activities along the border. Many famous people belonged to Ranger units in that time period, including Daniel Boone and Abraham Lincoln.

John Singleton
During the Civil War Mosby’s Rangers, led by Confederate Colonel John Singleton. Mosby was known for raiding Union Army camps and sharing supplies with the local population.

Mosby’s most notorious raid was an attack on 30 people he led behind Union lines near the Fairfax County Courthouse, capturing a general, two captains, 30 men mentioned and 58 horses without firing a bullet.

His attacks were so effective that part of Northern Virginia became known as the Mosby Confederation.

Rangers units had rare activities in the post-Civil War period. It was not until World War II that the Army activated the Ranger Infantry Battalions, which were overseen by William O. Darby.

Darby, an artillery officer who was fascinated by the training practice and tradition of British commandos, was given the task of overseeing the creation of new Ranger units. These new units were called "Darby's Rangers."

The Rangers launched their first attack on Arzew in 1943. Darby led the attack himself and was awarded the Meritorious Cross.

Darby trained the newly activated Third and Fourth Battalions in Africa, near the end of the Tunisian campaign. The first, third, and fourth battalions consisted of Ranger forces.
Darby was killed in action during an Italian campaign when an artillery shell exploded in the middle of a group of assembled officers. He was posthumously promoted to brigadier general.

Nineteen light Ranger infantry companies were involved in the Korean War, including the legendary 2nd Ranger Infantry Company, known as the "Buffalo Rangers." They were the first and only Ranger unit made up entirely of African-American soldiers.

The Ranger's air-trained unit was primarily used as an advanced force to deter and suppress Chinese attacks on the front. They are best known for their actions during Operation Tomahawk and the Battle of the Soyang River.

During Operation Tomahawk, the Rangers were tasked with stopping behind enemy lines to disrupt supply routes and force a retreat north of Seoul. They successfully surprised and defeated the Chinese forces, connected with friendly forces and spent the next few days breaking the enemy resistance.

Their greatest contribution to the war effort was during the Battle of the Soyang River, where the 2nd Rangers carried out a double encirclement of the enemy position supported by artillery of the enemy position on Hill 581. The Rangers occupied the hill without losing a single man, inflicting more than 100 casualties on the enemy.

During the war, the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company earned four battle ribbons, nine Silver Stars, and more than 100 purple hearts.

Long-range reconnaissance patrols (LRRP), known as “Lurps,” were widely used during the Vietnam War. These units were small, heavily armed patrols that penetrated deep into enemy territory to fulfill a given mission.
During the conflict, Lurpa platoons and companies were eventually attached to each unit. In January 1969, these units were re-designated "Ranger", as part of the 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger).

At the Battle of Signal Hill, members of the LRRP units were tasked with boarding a helicopter to the top of a mountain in the A Shau Valley known as Signal Hill. The hill would serve as a radio relay site for larger attacking forces set up to attack the valley.

After suffering heavy losses, LRRP platoon managed to keep the top of the mountain for three weeks and helped ensure the success of the operation.

The Vietnam War marked the final major conflict in which Ranger-designated units were attached to regular infantry divisions. In 1973, with the establishment of the 1st Battalion Ranger, the Rangers became their own special operations forces.

After the brutal attack on the homeland on September 11, 2001, the 75th Ranger Regiment immediately organized and prepared to “lead the way” in what became known as the Global War on Terror. Just as the Rangers did in Normandy in 1944, Grenada in 1983, and Panama in 1989, the Ranger Regiment led the initial ground invasion of Afghanistan.

On October 19, 2001, the regimental headquarters and the 3rd Ranger Battalion carried out an air raid to occupy the desert landing belt south of Kandahar known as the Rhino Target. This forced entry operation began eighteen years of uninterrupted combat operations for the 75th Ranger Regiment.

On March 4, 2002, the Rangers began a thirteen-hour battle to secure the 10,000-foot mountain peak. They destroyed all al-Qaeda-linked militants and secured U.S. personnel.
While fighting the enemy in Afghanistan, at the same time they were called upon to provide forces for the invasion of Iraq. The 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions, along with parts of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and the Regiment Staff, launched combat operations in the western desert of Iraq to neutralize the rocket launch sites. During these operations, the 1st Ranger Battalion carried out the first C-17 air ground attack. At the same time, the 3rd Battalion Ranger performed the occupation of the airfield (Objective Snake); a critical airfield in the western Iraqi desert.

On April 1, 2003, a regiment with elements of the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions carried out a daring raid on the city of Nasiriyah under Fedayen's control. The mission became known as one of the most successful rescuers of prisoners of war in the country, as it resulted in the safe return of PFC Jessica Lynch. Meanwhile, the 3rd Ranger Battalion continued to fight the Iraqi army and Fedayeen Saddam forces at the Haditha Dam in Anbar Province from April 3 to 4, 2003. The successful occupation of this dam prevented its use as a weapon to prevent a coalition ground attack.

During Operation Tomahawk, the Rangers were tasked with stopping behind enemy lines to disrupt supply routes and force a retreat north of Seoul. They successfully surprised and defeated the Chinese forces, connected with friendly forces and spent the next few days breaking the enemy resistance.

Their greatest contribution to the war effort was during the Battle of the Soyang River, where the 2nd Rangers carried out a double encirclement of the enemy position supported by artillery of the enemy position on Hill 581. The Rangers occupied the hill without losing a single man, inflicting more than 100 casualties on the enemy.

During the war, the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company earned four battle ribbons, nine Silver Stars, and more than 100 purple hearts.

Long-range reconnaissance patrols (LRRP), known as “Lurps,” were widely used during the Vietnam War. These units were small, heavily armed patrols that penetrated deep into enemy territory to fulfill a given mission.
During the conflict, Lurpa platoons and companies were eventually attached to each unit. In January 1969, these units were re-designated "Ranger", as part of the 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger).

At the Battle of Signal Hill, members of the LRRP units were tasked with boarding a helicopter to the top of a mountain in the A Shau Valley known as Signal Hill. The hill would serve as a radio relay site for larger attacking forces set up to attack the valley.

After suffering heavy losses, LRRP platoon managed to keep the top of the mountain for three weeks and helped ensure the success of the operation.

The Vietnam War marked the final major conflict in which Ranger-designated units were attached to regular infantry divisions. In 1973, with the establishment of the 1st Battalion Ranger, the Rangers became their own special operations forces.

After the brutal attack on the homeland on September 11, 2001, the 75th Ranger Regiment immediately organized and prepared to “lead the way” in what became known as the Global War on Terror. Just as the Rangers did in Normandy in 1944, Grenada in 1983, and Panama in 1989, the Ranger Regiment led the initial ground invasion of Afghanistan.

On October 19, 2001, the regimental headquarters and the 3rd Ranger Battalion carried out an air raid to occupy the desert landing belt south of Kandahar known as the Rhino Target. This forced entry operation began eighteen years of uninterrupted combat operations for the 75th Ranger Regiment.

On March 4, 2002, the Rangers began a thirteen-hour battle to secure the 10,000-foot mountain peak. They destroyed all al-Qaeda-linked militants and secured U.S. personnel.
While fighting the enemy in Afghanistan, at the same time they were called upon to provide forces for the invasion of Iraq. The 1st and 3rd Ranger Battalions, along with parts of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and the Regiment Staff, launched combat operations in the western desert of Iraq to neutralize the rocket launch sites. During these operations, the 1st Ranger Battalion carried out the first C-17 air ground attack. At the same time, the 3rd Battalion Ranger performed the occupation of the airfield (Objective Snake); a critical airfield in the western Iraqi desert.

On April 1, 2003, a regiment with elements of the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions carried out a daring raid on the city of Nasiriyah under Fedayen's control. The mission became known as one of the most successful rescuers of prisoners of war in the country, as it resulted in the safe return of PFC Jessica Lynch. Meanwhile, the 3rd Ranger Battalion continued to fight the Iraqi army and Fedayeen Saddam forces at the Haditha Dam in Anbar Province from April 3 to 4, 2003. The successful occupation of this dam prevented its use as a weapon to prevent a coalition ground attack.

The 2nd Battalion Rangers carried out an attack on the Objective Reindeer resulting in the killing of 85 terrorists. The Ranger Regiment remained a key component of the Joint Working Group in Iraq during the 2003-2010 operation and carried out more than 10,000 raids during that period, resulting in the defeat of Al Qaeda in Iraq and the degradation of multiple enemy terrorist networks.
In 2007, the regiment expanded its combat strength by creating a fourth maneuver company in each Delta Company-designated battalion.

Modern Regiment Ranger
In May 2017, the regiment of the Military Intelligence Battalion was temporarily activated. The battalion became a permanent part of the regiment in October 2019. RMIB recruits, trains, develops and employs highly trained and specialized Rangers to conduct full-spectrum intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, cyber and electronic wounding operations.

Today, while conventional forces shift responsibility to the Afghan National Security Forces, the U.S. Army continues to rely on the Regiment as a decisive raid force for special operations in Afghanistan and other areas around the world.

The 2nd Battalion Rangers carried out an attack on the Objective Reindeer resulting in the killing of 85 terrorists. The Ranger Regiment remained a key component of the Joint Working Group in Iraq during the 2003-2010 operation and carried out more than 10,000 raids during that period, resulting in the defeat of Al Qaeda in Iraq and the degradation of multiple enemy terrorist networks.
In 2007, the regiment expanded its combat strength by creating a fourth maneuver company in each Delta Company-designated battalion.

Modern Regiment Ranger
In May 2017, the regiment of the Military Intelligence Battalion was temporarily activated. The battalion became a permanent part of the regiment in October 2019. RMIB recruits, trains, develops and employs highly trained and specialized Rangers to conduct full-spectrum intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, cyber and electronic wounding operations.

Today, while conventional forces shift responsibility to the Afghan National Security Forces, the U.S. Army continues to rely on the Regiment as a decisive raid force for special operations in Afghanistan and other areas around the world.

75. pukovnija Rangera glavna je velika snaga specijalnih operacija američke vojske, a čine je neki od najelitnijih vojnika na svijetu. Rangersi su se specijalizirali za zajedničke akcije specijalnih operacija i zajedničke operacije prisilnog ulaska.

Biti Ranger čast.
Rangersi su najelitnija velika borbena snaga. Njihova misija, ovisno o operaciji, može se kretati od zauzimanja uzletišta do posebnog izviđanja do usmjeravanja akcijskih napada na odabrane ciljeve i pojedince
Da bi postali član 75. pukovnije Ranger, trebate posjedovati mentalnu čvrstoću, fizičku spremnost, moralni karakter i samomotivaciju potrebnu kako bi izdržali težak trening i prevladali izazove s kojima ćete se suočiti.

Čuveni moto Rangersa "Rangers, predvodite!" “Rangers, Lead the Way!” nastao je tijekom savezničke invazije na Normandiju.

Iako je moderna 75. pukovnija Rangera osnovana relativno nedavno, američke vojne jedinice s istom operativnom filozofijom kao i Rangeri postojale su još prije Američke revolucije.

Robert Rogers
Povijest Rangera prethodi revolucionarnom ratu. Robert Rogers poznati "Rogers 'Rangers" koristio je nekonvencionalnu borbenu taktiku tijekom francuskog i indijskog rata.

Njegova domišljatost bila je legendarna. Poznato je da su njegovi vojnici putovali na sanjkama, krpljama, čak i klizaljkama, a njegova snaga bila je jedna od rijetkih stranih jedinica koja je učinkovito djelovala u negostoljubivim uvjetima.

Rogers je napisao "28 pravila rangiranja" kao smjernicu za svoje vojnike tijekom sukoba. Tijekom godina Rogersova su se pravila prilagođavala na razne načine, ali 75. pukovnija Rangera povijesne postavke smatra dijelom svoje baštine.

Naseljenici i pioniri obično su činili glavninu snaga.
Te su snage prvenstveno imale zadatak ugušiti aktivnosti američkih Indijanaca duž granice. Mnogi poznati ljudi pripadali su Ranger jedinicama u to vremensko razdoblje, uključujući Daniel Boone i Abraham Lincoln.

John Singleton
Tijekom građanskog rata Mosby’s Rangers, predvođen konfederacijskim pukovnikom Johnom Singletonom. Mosby bio je poznat po prepadima kampova Vojske Unije i dijeljenju opskrbe s lokalnim stanovništvom.

Mosbyjev najpoznatiji prepad bio je napad na 30 ljudi koje je vodio iza linija Unije u blizini zgrade suda u okrugu Fairfax, zarobivši generala, dva kapetana, 30 spomenutih ljudi i 58 konja bez ispaljenog metka.

Njegovi su napadi bili toliko učinkoviti da je dio Sjeverne Virginije postao poznat kao Mosbyjeva konfederacija.

Rangers jedinice su u razdoblju nakon građanskog rata imale rijetke aktivnosti. Tek je u Drugom svjetskom ratu vojska aktivirala pješačke bojne Ranger, koje je nadgledao William O. Darby.

Darby, topnički časnik koji je fascinirao praksom obuke i tradicijom britanskih komandosa, dobio je zadatak nadgledati stvaranje novih jedinica Rangera. Te su nove jedinice nazvane "Darby's Rangers".

Rangeri su svoj prvi napad na Arzew pokrenuli 1943. Darby je sam vodio napad i odlikovan je zaslužnim križem.

Darby je trenirao novo aktiviranu treću i četvrtu bojnu u Africi, pred kraj tuniške kampanje. Prva, treća i četvrta bojna činile su snage Rangera.
Darby je ubijen u akciji tijekom talijanske kampanje kada je usred skupine okupljenih časnika pukla topnička granata. Posmrtno je unaprijeđen u brigadnog generala.

U Korejskom ratu bilo je uključeno devetnaest lakih pješačkih četa Rangera, uključujući legendarnu 2. pješačku četu Rangera, poznatu kao "Buffalo Rangers". Bili su prva i jedina postrojba Rangera koju su u cijelosti sačinjavali afroamerički vojnici.

Zrakoplovno obučena jedinica Rangera, prvenstveno se koristila kao napredna snaga za ometanje i potiskivanje kineskih napada na front. Najpoznatiji su po svojim akcijama tijekom operacije Tomahawk i bitke na rijeci Soyang.

Tijekom operacije Tomahawk, Rendžeri su imali zadatak da se zaustave iza neprijateljskih linija kako bi poremetili putove opskrbe i prisilili na povlačenje sjeverno od Seula. Uspješno su iznenadili i svladali kineske snage, povezali se s prijateljskim snagama i proveli sljedećih nekoliko dana lomeći neprijateljski otpor.

Njihov najveći doprinos ratnim naporima bio je tijekom bitke na rijeci Soyang, gdje su 2. Rangers-i izveli dvostruko opkoljavanje neprijateljskog položaja poduprtog topništvom neprijateljskog položaja na brdu 581. Rangersi su zauzeli brdo ne izgubivši niti jednog čovjeka, nanijevši više od 100 žrtava neprijatelju.

Tijekom rata, 2. pješačka satnija Rangera zaradila je četiri borbene lente, devet Srebrnih zvijezda i više od 100 ljubičastih srca.

Izvidničke ophodnje dugog dometa (LRRP), poznate kao "Lurps", bile su široko korištene tijekom Vijetnamskog rata. Te su jedinice bile male, teško naoružane patrole koje su prodirale duboko u neprijateljski teritorij kako bi ispunili zadanu misiju.
Tijekom sukoba, vodovi i čete Lurpa na kraju su bili priključeni svakoj jedinici. U siječnju 1969. ove su jedinice ponovno označene kao "Ranger", u sastavu 75. pješačke pukovnije (Ranger).

U bitci kod Signal Hilla, pripadnici jedinica LRRP imali su zadatak da se helikopterom ubace na vrh planine u dolini A Shau poznat kao Signal Hill. Brdo bi služilo kao radio relejno mjesto za veće napadačke snage postavljene za napad na dolinu.

Nakon pretrpljenih teških gubitaka, vodovi LRRP uspjeli su zadržati vrh planine tri tjedna i pomogli osigurati uspjeh operacije.

Vijetnamski je rat označio konačni glavni sukob u kojem su jedinice označene Rangerom bile priključene redovitim pješačkim divizijama. 1973. godine, uspostavljanjem 1. bojne Ranger, Rangers su postali vlastite snage za specijalne operacije.

Nakon okrutnog napada na domovinu 11. rujna 2001., 75. pukovnija Ranger odmah je organizirala i pripremila se "voditi put" u onome što je postalo poznato kao Globalni rat protiv terorizma. Baš kao što su to radili Rangersi u Normandiji 1944., Grenadi 1983. i Panami 1989., pukovnija Rangera predvodila je početnu kopnenu invaziju na Afganistan.

Dana 19. listopada 2001., pukovnijski stožer i 3. bataljon rendžera izveli su zračni napad kako bi zauzeli pustinjski desantni pojas južno od Kandahara poznat kao Cilj nosorog. Ova operacija prisilnog ulaska započela je osamnaest godina neprekidnih borbenih djelovanja za 75. pukovniju Ranger.

Dana 4. ožujka 2002. Rangersi su započeli trinaestosatnu bitku kako bi osigurali 10 000-metarski vrh planine. Uništili su sve militante povezane s Al-Qaidom i osigurali američko osoblje.
Dok su se borili protiv neprijatelja u Afganistanu, istovremeno su pozvani osigurati snage za invaziju na Irak. 1. i 3. bojna rendžera, zajedno s djelovima 2. bojne rendžera i pukovnijskim stožerom pokrenuli su borbene akcije u zapadnoj pustinji Iraka kako bi neutralizirali mjesta lansiranja raketa. Tijekom ovih operacija, 1. bojna rendžera izvela je prvi zračni kopneni napad C-17. Istodobno, 3. bojna rendžera izvela je zauzimanje uzletišta (Objektivna zmija); kritično uzletište u zapadnoj iračkoj pustinji.

Dana 1. travnja 2003. pukovnija s elementima 1. i 2. bojne rendžera izvela je odvažni prepad u grad Nasirija pod nadzorom Fedayena. Misija je postala poznata kao jedno od najuspješnijih spašavanja ratnih zarobljenika u zemlji, jer je rezultirala sigurnim povratkom PFC-a Jessice Lynch. U međuvremenu je 3. bojna rendžera nastavila borbu protiv iračke vojske i snaga Fedayeen Sadam na brani Haditha u provinciji Anbar od 3. do 4. travnja 2003. Uspješno zauzimanje ove brane spriječilo je njezinu upotrebu kao oružje za sprječavanje kopnenog napada koalicije.

2. bojna rendžera izvršila je napad na Objective Reindeer rezultirajući ubijenim 85 terorista. Pukovnija Ranger ostala je ključna komponenta zajedničke radne skupine u Iraku tijekom trajanja operacije od 2003. 2010. i tijekom tog razdoblja izvela je više od 10.000 racija, što je rezultiralo porazom Al Qaide u Iraku i degradacijom više neprijateljskih terorističkih mreža .
2007. godine, pukovnija je proširila svoju borbenu snagu stvaranjem četvrte manevarske satnije u svakoj bojni s oznakom Delta Company.

Moderna pukovnija Ranger
U svibnju 2017. godine privremeno je aktivirana pukovnija Vojnoobavještajne bojne. Bojna je postala stalni dio pukovnije u listopadu 2019. RMIB regrutira, trenira, razvija se i zapošljava visoko obučene i specijalizirane Rangers-e za provođenje operacija obavještajnog, nadzornog, izviđačkog, cyber i elektroničkog ranjavanja punog spektra.

Danas, dok konvencionalne snage prebacuju odgovornost na afganistanske Nacionalne sigurnosne snage, US Army se i dalje oslanja na Pukovniju kao na odlučujuću racijsku silu za posebne operacije u Afganistanu i drugim područjima širom svijeta.