[UKPP] Mongress Musings Part Two

Day 2,639, 05:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

It's been a subdued week in congress with focus on the Presidential elections meaning little real business was done other than the usual renewal of MPPs. We got a new CP (congratulations to Adastros, commisserations to BaronChris, Leo Balzac and the other who ran who I'd never heard of before), we got Scotland back (mmmm.... malt whiskey...) and we got UKPP tearing itself apart internally.

BaronChris decided to head off on eHoliday and was last seen in sunny Maine, arguing with US custom officials. Good luck there, mate. I hear Maine is particularly cold in winter. That left UKPP down three congressmen within the space of a few days, with Pannonian Nomad having left prior to the CP elections and Derianch departing after controversially letting in our questionable new PP, Lord London, who has since gone on to annoy pretty much anyone of any import in the country.

So now we see the run up to the party presidential elections, with accusations flying left, right and centre in the UKPP about PTOs. Pots, kettles and black are phrases that might spring to mind, and the usual mudslinging has reached epic proportions (OK, that may be hyperbole, but there have been one or two articles thrown back and forth which have painted certain members in a certain light). Needless to say, I've been sleeping through it all, waking only to eat, fight, vote on the odd comment or law, and scratch behind my ears.

As you can see, one is still not amused

Well, what's been happening in congress while all this drama has been going on? Let's have a look...

MPP with Belarus - voted for
Just another renewal from what I can see.

MPP with Cyprus - voted for
Another renewal, though this caused a little friction in congress when first proposed. Hopefully all sorted out now.

MPP with Georgia - voted for
Lost our MPP with Georgia thanks to their war with Turkey. It's back now though.

Peace Proposal with Croatia - voted for
From what I can gather, this was just a way to get gold for nothing. We weren't even in a proper war.

MPP with Chile - voted for
Yet another renewal.

Peace Proposal with Ireland - voted for
Training war's over, guys. Get your FF medals while they're going cheap. Miserable turnout for this vote, however, with only 11 congress members bothering to vote.

MPP with Indonesia - voted for
Sure, why not?

MPP with Italy - voted for
How could I not vote for this? Sportscars, haute couture, pasta and the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen all come from here.

MPP with Venezuela - voted for
Another renewal. Yeah, alright then, if I must.

So even if some UKPP congressmen have gone, I'm still here, representing you and keeping you all safe by pressing important buttons.

Can I go back to sleep now, please?