[UKPP] Have Your Say!

Day 2,800, 02:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

After months of internal turmoil, the UKPP finally has some semblance of stability and under the new leadership of Neil Lewis we hope to rebuild the party. If you are a member of this fine establishment, you might have noticed on the party wall that there is a vote on keeping the current constitution, which can be found here. Unfortunately, it's very out of date, having last been amended during Alfagrem's presidency many moons ago. There are moves afoot to revamp the party constitution to reflect the changes in the eWorld since then.

It's coming up to congressional elections time, so if you want to be in with a shot of being a congress member (providing Argentina don't decide that they want Nottingham and Manchester back, though why anyone would want such places is beyond me) please sign up by Wednesday 22nd July (that's tomorrow, folks!), since we shall be having an internal party ballot to decide the candidate list. Neil has been working a bitnight and day to come up with a fancy Google form, and each member will receive a password for the form to avoid cheating.

Remember that UKPP is your party, so feel welcome to get involved and have your say!

Is that it? Can I sleep now?

- Possible updated party constitution
- Congress primaries soon
- Your UKPP, your say