[ST]Bubur Lambok Day1043

Day 1,043, 00:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by SatoshiTomiie
Free Bubur Lambok to give away again!!

Well, recently my 'warong kopi' have a left over food, produced by my workers. Then, one of my precious worker told me to do some charity for my regular customer, eMalaysians and for those who support my stall by giving vote and subscribe it.

So, for anyone who vote and write the 'voted! & subs!' comment will recieve one Q1 food (3 health). Your kindness to shout this is truly appreciate.

This article will be publish almost everyday for charity and BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS LEFTOVERS from my 'warong kopi' 😛. Thanks for your support!

you will receive your food when i log in, gtg now. sorry and bye

CEO me2bestudio Holdings
CEO me3bestudio Holdings