[Rabbits] Black Friday Project 2019

Day 4,387, 21:49 Published in Croatia Austria by Rabbit of Caerbannog

EN version below 😉

Dragi svi,

Black Friday se blizi, i u nasem Flying Rabbits Elite MU smo pokrenuli akciju za pomoc mladima i povratnicima u igru koji jos nemaju izgradjenu infrastrukturu i nisu samodostatni. I kako bismo svi zajedno sto spremniji docekali popuste na BF - zadnji petak u 11mj (29.11.2019.).

Tko se jos nije prijavio, na nasem MU zidu mozete naci dokument koji je potrebno popuniti sa detaljima za izracun - ili mi se javite kroz ingame PM ako ste propustili shouteve / nesto nije jasno 😉

O BF 2019 projektu

Ideja je pomoci mladim air accevima koji jos nemaju:
1. trajne energy centre
2. food firme
3. food raw firme
4. trening centre na maximumu (za one koji su blizu lvl 201)

1. Prosle godine su PEC (Perma energy centri) bili na popustu, ako ce isto biti i ove godine, to je prioritet 1.

*BF 2018 

2. Ovisno o tipu accounta (air, ground, mix, sa paketima ili bez), potrebe za hranom na tjednoj bazi su razlicite. U ovom clanku mozete naci detalje i izracun ovisno o tipu acca. 

Hvala puno @strikaka!

3. Imamo 37 igraca u BF projektu, i velike potrebe i za raw firmama. Obzirom na prikupljeni cc do BF te kada vidimo da li ce biti popust i na izgradnju Raw firmi, cc ce biti poslan ujutro na BF.

Raw food bez popusta:

4. Na lvl 201 svi igraci dobiju besplatan trening. Podizanjem sva 4 TC na maximum cete rasti max 90 snage dnevno kroz trening (5 golda svaka cca 3 dana od Super Soldier medalje) i oni koji ce biti u mogucnosti i imati dovoljno golda, savjet je - podignite i Trening Centre.

Poziv za nove igrace i povratnike

Ujedno pozivam i sve eBebe i povratnike u igru da nam se pridruze i rastu zajedno sa nama 😉 Poceli smo sa 2 clana, pa narasli na 15, 30.. a trenutno imamo 116 clanova i 4 regimenta - rastemo kao gljive poslije kise 😃

Jedan od glavnih ciljeva naseg EMU je motivirati i osnaziti jos i vise eCro Air snage, te pomoci onima koji savjete i pomoc najvise trebaju.

Na nasem MU zidu mozete naci mnostvo informacija, npr. gdje i kada je potreban dmg, RH liste objavljujemo svaki dan, savjetujemo, pitamo, obavjestavamo, radimo podjele, zovemo na Telegram kvizove, slusamo Gorki61_Istra radio i svasta jos nesto 🙂 
Nije tiho niti dosadno 😃

Svi koji zele nauciti vise o igri, dobiti prijeko potrebnu pomoc u pocetku, kada je najteze i najbitnije, osjetiti duh zajednistva i zabaviti se u procesu - pozvani ste!

Ako ste u 2-kliku, i imate npr visak ticketa za seljenje, ili pak jaci account koji moze pomoci savjetima ili na bilo koji drugi nacin, dobrodosli ste!

BF Donacije

Donacije prikupljene do sada:

Ikki di Pheonix - blizu 2mil cc, slanjem cc 37 igraca u projektu, kako bi kupili 10 golda svaki dan prije BF (ukupno 3700 g)

Anonimna donacija - 1mil cc
SexyMacan - 150.000cc
Zdlemmy - 150.000cc
Baranac1 - 50.000cc

You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from rainy sunday.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Caesar II.
You have accepted 50000.01 HRK from Podmorje.
You have accepted 3528.00 HRK from Pitlja666.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Janty F.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Vulture-man.
You have accepted 10000.00 HRK from darksfer.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Anonymous donor.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Basil II.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Vincent Van Goat.
You have accepted 20000.00 HRK from PrimitivacHR.
You have accepted 6327.78 HRK from SexyCicko.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Behemot.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Mrainko.

Veliko HVALA svima koji su do sada ponudili i poslali pomoc, te onima koji ce to biti u mogucnosti. Endorse na clanak, 1k cc, 10k cc, vise ako mozete.. svaka pomoc je dobrodosla! (I potrebna)

Samo jako!
I samo pozitivno!

ENG version

Dear all,
Black Friday is close, and in our Flying Rabbits Elite MU we started with project for helping eBabies and returners to the game, which still don't have food infrastructure for themselves and are not self-sufficient. So we can all together get ready as possible for Black Friday discounts - last Friday in November (29.11.2019.).

MU members can find document on our MU wall that needs to be filled in with details for the calculation - or let me know through ingame PM if something is not clear.😉

About the BF 2019 project

The idea is to help young air aces who do not yet have: 

1. Permanent energy centers 
2. Food companies 
3. Food raw businesses 
4. training centers at maximum (for those close to lvl 201) 

1. Last year, PECs (Permanent energy centers) were at a discount, if it will be the same this year, this is priority 1. 

*BF 2018 

2. Depending on the type of account (air, ground, mix, with or without packages), the need for food on a weekly basis is different. In this article you can find details and calculations depending on the type of the account.
Thank you so much for your help, @strikaka!

3. We have 37 players in the BF project, and big needs for raw companies as well. Given the cc raised to BF and when we see if there will be a discount on the construction of Raw companies, the cc will be sent to BF project participants in the morning on BF, when we see if there will be Raw companies discount.

Raw food without discount:

4. On the lvl 201, all players receive free training. By upgrading all 4 TCs to maximum you will grow a maximum of 90 str per day through training (+5 golds approximately each 3 days from the Super Soldier Medal) and those who will be able and have enough gold, the advice is to upgrade the Training Center as well.

TC 1 upgraded to max:

Invitation for new and returning players

I would also use this opportunity to invite all eBabies and returning players to join us and grow with us 😉 We started with 2 members and grew to 15, 30. We currently have 116 members and 4 regiments - we grow like mushrooms after the rain 😃

One of the main goals of our EMU is to motivate and to work even more on eCro Air forces, and to help those who need the most, with advices, support and assistance. 

You can find a lot of information on our MU wall, for example, where and when dmg is needed, we publish RH lists every day, we advise, we ask, we inform, we make give-aways, we remind you about our Quiz nights on Telegram, we listen to Gorki61_Istria radio and many more things 🙂
Be sure, it's not quiet & boring 😃

Everyone who wants to learn more about the game, receive much needed help in the beginning, when is hardest for you, and most important for us older players to help you grow, feel the spirit of community and have fun in the process - you are invited! 

Also if you are in 2-click and for example have extra moving tickets, or stronger acc that can help with our projects in any way, you are most welcomed!

BF Donations

Donations collected so far: 

Ikki di Pheonix - almost 2mil cc - sending cc to 37 players in the project, to buy 10 gold every day before BF (3700g total) 

Anonymous donation - 1mil cc 
SexyMacan - 150.000cc 
Zdlemmy - 150.000cc 
Baranac1 - 50,000cc 

You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from rainy sunday.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Caesar II.
You have accepted 50000.01 HRK from Podmorje.
You have accepted 3528.00 HRK from Pitlja666.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Janty F.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Vulture-man.
You have accepted 10000.00 HRK from darksfer.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Anonymous donor.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Basil II.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Vincent Van Goat.
You have accepted 20000.00 HRK from PrimitivacHR.
You have accepted 6327.78 HRK from SexyCicko.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Behemot.
You have accepted 50000.00 HRK from Mrainko.

Many THANKS to everyone who has offered and sent help so far, and to those who will be able to do it in the future. Endorse to this article, 1k cc, 10k cc, more if you can .. any help is more than welcome (and needed)! 

Stay strong!
Stay positive!
