[PCP]Congress Report + Battleships Round 3

Day 4,476, 01:18 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Alfa UKSF

45 Days ago, I resigned my admittedly self-assumed and unlikely RP position as 'Speaker of the House of Commons' after some appearances on Italian TV shouting "Ordur Ordurrr!" like a performing monkey and releasing a book that no one will read, I noticed the lack of reports from Congress since that time.

Whilst the hearsay is that congressional discussion has been somewhat muted of late since a number of members dropped out of the thread, I can only attest to what the Best Pirate Cats have been doing.

Proposals 3, 5, 8 & 10 were regulation movements of cash from the national account into the waiting grasp of Huey and his web of Monetary Market Orgs.

These sail through as a matter of course and generally will only meet opposition if congress suspects that the Minister of Finance is either siphoning funds off inappropriately (unlikely) or unable to check or resist a CP ordering him/her/them to do so.

Needless to say the PCP backed these proposals.

Proposals 2 and 4 were responses to a potential airstrike upon the UK that required some strategic movement around the UK map and again were backed by the party.

Proposals 1 and 6 were the ever prevalent impeachment proposals which ofc were rejected although there was a small uptick in PCPers showing support for the proposal, perhaps a concern over the worry that we are becoming a defacto dictatorship due to only one player ever wanting to run?!

Proposals 7 and 9 were the more controversial resource concession proposals the renewal of which did not ask for debate (apparently).

PCP offered the main opposition to these two actions as one of the three affected players is a member of the party and even though a number of us benefit from Spanish Bonuses, we were more inclined to protect the younger UKer over the potential CC (which only gets stored due to lack of gov programs) by voting no or abstaining.

[BGP] Battleships Round 3

23 players made a shot in Round 3 and 7 recorded hits on my fleet.

The standings at the end of the round.....


Mad Pauly
Bay Jee
Vettige Swa

Mr Knee
Solomon Caine

All have been paid their reward of 700cc and we now move onto Round 4 which will include the new players who have since joined the party or Flying Kittens MU.