Day 672, 15:48 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia


You are an eAmeican citizen? You are looking for way to help your eCountry? Read this article for all the answers you still have on eUSA Military Organisation.


First of all. the United States of America is the strongest military organisation in Erepublik. A lot of people are working to manage this organisation. Lead by Lucius Varenus, Harlot and qn20, all very dedicated men who spend unnumbered hours to make sure everything goes round. The eUSA Military is divided in 6 majors organisations; The US Marines, The US Airbornes, The US Army, The US Mobile Infantry, The US Home guard and finally, The US Training Division. All theses groups are lead and founded by hundreds of volunteering US citizens, working hard to put strategies on defense or offensives. They have to guide and make sure that all soldiers keep a highest motivation and activity level. Sometimes, with a limited budget, they have to find ways to get money to get everyone supplied adequately. Thank you to all devoted people running this massive organisation. Here a better description of all the different groups of the USA Military.

[USMC] US Marines Corps : The Finest

Description: We are eMerica's finest. The Marines are a brotherhood of the most strong and dedicated soldiers the eUS and the eWorld has to offer. We are the first and most frequent to deploy, we get the best weapons and we take those brick walls down in no-time. Our enemies fear us and our allies love us. They recently had a great impact with a huge tanking effort in Yukon and NWT battle.

Responsible: Leroy Combs
Strength: 14+
Rank: General+
Activity: Very High. This is no place for 2-clickers. You need to check eRep and this forum for orders several times a day and you need to be flexible and able to deploy on short notice. Furthermore IRC activity is highly encouraged

US Airborne: Rendezvous With Destiny.

Responsible: Maxmillian VW
Strength: 11+
Rank: Lieutenant+ - (this may be raised depending on the number of applicants) Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis
Activity: Must be very active, be able to check for orders 3 to 4 times per day on this forum, being on IRC is also MANDATORY
Description:The basic premise of the Airborne is that they can arrive with such speed that a coherent defense cannot be mounted against them for some time. Airborne forces are military units set up to be moved by aircraft and 'dropped' into battle. Thus they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning.

You meet these criteria and want to join them? Click here for the https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cmU1WnNVa2RXRldGdjRoaGN3TmZob3c6MA..'>Application Sheet

US Army: This We'll Defend. ( My group 😃)

Responsible: NXNW
Strength: 9 minimum
Rank: Captain, exceptions maybe granted on a case by case basis
Activity: Must be very active, be able to check for orders 2 to 3 times per day on this forum, being on IRC is preferred but not a deal breaker.
Description: The Army is the main force of the United States able to be deployed where ever and when ever the President needs.

[USMI] The US Mobile Infantry

Strength: 7+
Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Moderate. You will need to check eRep and this forum for orders daily and be able/willing to deploy on command. IRC is not required, but is encouraged.
Description: Mobile Infantry is a branch of the eUS Armed Forces dedicated to the defense of eAmerican interests at home and abroad. We deploy regularly, so we only accept soldiers who are able and willing to break business and party ties for days at a time. We look for active, dedicated soldiers who are willing to fight for their country and follow orders quickly and without question. Ability to register for and check our military forums regularly is a must.

[USHG] The US Home Guar😛 Always ready, always there

Responsible: qkoller
Strength: No minimum
Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Many of our soldiers participate on a level slightly above two clicks a day (in the parlance of eRepublik, they're two-clickers). The main commitments to activity and readiness are to reply to weekly Roll Calls from commanding officers and to check the military forums at least once a day. Failure to respond to Roll Call two weeks in a row will result in a dishonorable discharge.
Description: The Home Guard is the last line of defense. Our job is to protect our homeland from enemy invaders. To do so we remain vigilant from within our country, that is we do not generally deploy out of country.

[USTD] The US Training Division

Responsible: Angelini
Strength No Minimum
Rank: No Minimum
Activity: Moderate. You will need to check eRep to work and train daily to get your wellness up. You will also engage in 3 weeks of training, which includes reading doc's that your platoon leader sends you. You should also use the forum and IRC to interact with recruits and meet people in game.
Description: Training Division is a branch of the eUS Armed Forces dedicated to building the defense system of eAmerica. We take the raw, fresh recruits and turn them into the Marines of tomorrow.

Recruiting is actually closed.

Thank you for reading and hope this article will be usefull for you. You appreciated, please to vote it up and subscribe.

And always Remember :

Samuel Brouillette
US Army, 4Th Division, 3rd Platoon