[jw] Head in the sand

Day 711, 20:50 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great


Recently all one can read is how the UK is dying, how TUP is awful, how NE is plotting an overthrow of everything we hold dear, and also an article filled with hindsight.

As well as that, we have not one, not two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, but eleven serbians with us now. We also have a pole and a ukranian. And, of course, a headache. However, one thing that I think should be noted about all of our new arrivals, is that they are all either working with, or members of, the party that got them here. Both the Pole and the Ukranian were let in my a TUP member, hotfuz. The serbians, who were let in by various New Era members, are all in New Era, or moved over to vote for the Serbian in the UKPP election.


In short, let's first of all, be quite clear. If Serbia had a real inclination to PTO us, then we'd be PTOd. It speaks volumes that New Era still have citizenship passes left (that so few have moved over). Let us be clear, this is a country of huge organisational ability. This may be some time ago, so not all of you will have been born, but many many moons ago, an old part of the game meant if a country did not have congress elections (i.e. had no regions at any point during the 24th or 25th), then the country had open citizenship: that is, anyone who moved, could automatically get it. The whole world mobilised to Croatia (who were wiped by Serbia if memory serves) and ultimately whilst Croatia were saved and won 60% of the vote, it speaks volumes that Serbia were only beaten because the rest of the big citizenship countries (Spain, Poland, USA to name a few) all mobilised for Croatia.

Further to that, if you think that people are above making multis, deleting their accounts and restarting in the target country, then you're wrong. I've seen it happen, even in some cases, watched it be openly discussed in front of me on IRC. In my opinion, this is not Serbia using Dapper and hollenbawww to PTO the UK. This is some Serbians moving over to get their fill. New Zealand, Thailan😛 nations with huge Serbian contingencies. Why? Think about being one of the several hundred people not in a top 5 Serbian party. Are you going to be able to get another 200-300 people into your party to challenge for #5? Or, are you going to get 40-50 people into your party in another country, and have a real chance at power? I'll let you think about that for a second.

Sure, Serbia are the enemy. But, so are Hungary. Are we demanding Hungarians leave, worrying about whether GregoryG is masterminding an end to everything we hate to look at every time we login to this 'game'?. Doubtful.

Of course, with a Serbian being sniped into the Party Presidency of UKPP, and a new player sniped into the ESO Party Presidency (I should add, I am unsure about the real story in ESO: This could be a problem, it could be innocuous, for now all we can do is wait) the one thing which is undoubtedly clear is that parties which have no intention, interest or real ability to get involved in this TUP-New Era and GOOD GOD LIFE ON THIS GREAT GAME AS WE KNOW IT COULD CHANGE arguments, are being caught up.

Be under no illusion, despite the tone of this article so far, it is undeniable that we are facing an attempt to reduce the amount of influence UK players have upon the makeup of the UK: both in Congress and in Government. Don't want to call it a PTO? Fine, that is essentially what is happening: people are being brought in to 'dilute' what British players have chosen. In the coming weeks and months, as the results today are digested, there will undoubtedly have to be a response. The solution to this problem? That is not for me to say. But as someone who has resisted the temptation to get involved with New Era at any stage, taken an almost superhuman disinterest in the whole debacle to know, even I have passed my line in the sand moment; it is time for parties to unite and ensure that British players continue to decide the fate of our country.