[InterimoSRB] New Year's giveaway

Day 2,596, 11:32 Published in Sweden Serbia by InterimoSRB

Hello dear readers o/

I decided to make small New Year's giveaway for Swedish citizens, it is
time for gifts 🙂
Also, i will write a couple of rows about my future plans with Interimo News.
Don't worry i won't bother you too much


New Year is very close , just 2 days from 2015 🙂

So i want to say Happy New Year, on my way .

First 15 citizens of eSweden who comment this article will receive 600 energy units.
I know that it is not very much, but it will help you.
Also i will give food for my friends from other countries 🙂 ( i don't know the exact number of energy, it depends how many players comment )

So, Happy New Year 🙂 Best wishes - health, happiness and love in next you.Thats the most important 🙂

Срећна Нова година 🙂 Желим вам све најбоље - пуно здравља, среће и љубави у следећој години. То је најбитније 🙂

Future plans

And a little about my newspaper in future, just to know what you can expect.
Next article will be Interimovision , i decided to make a competition for the best song with good rewards for winners ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ).By the way , you can help with donations, more donations - prizes will be bigger 🙂
Everyone who donate will be on the list of donators .
You can expect Interimovision on 15th of January ( after Serbian New Year 😃 ) .

After that, i don't have any ideas for articles yet, so if you have idea what to write about, just say 🙂 Every suggestion is helpful .

That would be all for this number of Interimo News .
Don't forget to vote and subscribe. Shout and endorse are welcome, too 😃

To the next reading,