[無名報]陸拾刊:Halloween Challenge

Day 5,082, 00:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding





This Halloween, don’t be a lazybones and join the battlefields, as we have prepared a very Spooky Challenge to lift your spirits!
This year’s special prize: the Night’s Howl, a new air vehicle that will inspire awe in your allies and make your enemy tremble.

今年的特別獎品:Night's Howl,一架全新的飛行器玩具

The aircraft can be assembled using blueprints collected from the two Night’s Howl Weekly Challenges as well as from the special missions (all available until day 5,095 23:59).
Remember: you need 10 blueprints to assemble a vehicle in the Armory.

可以在兩個 Night’s Howl Weekly Challenges 以及特殊任務中收集藍圖來組裝那機車的飛行器玩具(特殊任務時間持續至雞日5095 23:59)。

As you’re carving out some time for Halloween fun by advancing in the Weekly Challenge, you’ll receive Pumpkins, Dark Ghost Boo-sters (Ghost Booster’s big brother), Shadow Fighter BOOsters and all sorts of goodies to reward you for your efforts.
當你在無聊的周挑戰中收集戰利品時,你將會收到南瓜、Dark Ghost Boo-sters(Ghost Booster的大哥)、Shadow Fighter BOOsters 以及各種看起來有用的東西,來獎勵你在無頭雞上浪費時間。

Please remember to put all the Shadow Boosters and the rest of the goodies (Dark Ghost Boosters, Pumpkins etc) to good use before Day 5,109, 23:59!
請在雞日5,109 23:59 之前,充分的使用所有Shadow Boosters及其他看起來有用的東西(Dark Ghost Boosters及南瓜等等)!

You can always check your inventory for exact expiration details.

We hope you found these Halloween puns totally eerie-sistible and we wish you a spook-tacular Halloween!
