[無名報]肆捌刊:Game Tokens

Day 4,272, 14:48 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding



前言:以下皆為https://erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates/0/317 的翻譯

Game Tokens

Introducing Game Tokens
介紹Game Tokens

We are releasing a feature requested by many of you over the time. Citizens will now be able to safely and quickly exchange currency for packs previously only available via purchase in the Gold & Extras shop.

我們現在推出了許多人要求的功能,玩家們現在可以安全又迅速地來兌換那些只能從獎勵及購物(Gold & Extras shop)購買的商品包了。
In order to facilitate this exchange, we are introducing eRepublik Game Tokens. Game Tokens can be obtained from the Game Token Packs available in the Gold and Extras section and carry a fixed value of 0.1 € per Token.
為了使該功能成為可行,我們推出了貨幣 eRepublik Game Tokens。 Game Tokens 可以從 獎勵及購物 購買 ,並且其價值固定等價於 1個 Token = 0.1 歐元 。
Game Tokens can be traded to other players for Currency using the new Game Tokens section of the Marketplace.

Game Tokens can also be exchanged for Selected Packs & Items for oneself at a later date or one can acquire them as an investment and sell them at a later date for profit.

Game Tokens可以在市場與其他玩家當成新的遊戲貨幣進行交易。
Game Tokens也可以在日後為自己交換特定的特售包或是物品,或是可以將它們作為投資物並在往後售出加以獲得利潤。
Game Tokens cannot be used to send Packs & Items using the “Send Gift” mechanic but you can send a Game Tokens pack as gift.

Game Tokens不可以透過 "寄送禮物" 來購買物品特售包或物品,但你可以買Game Tokens特售包當作禮物。
There is a Global Limit of Total Game Tokens in Circulation and once this limit is reached, Game Token Packs will no longer be for sale until the Total Game Tokens go below the limit.

全遊戲有一定的Game Tokens流通機制來限制,一旦達到此限制,Game Tokens特售包 將不再販售,直到Game Tokens低於限制。
There are, however, several differences in the Market mechanics:

- The Seller’s identity is not disclosed
- Only the best 5 Price Points are displayed
- A citizen can only purchase from the current Top (Best) offer
- A citizen can have up to 3 active offers on the market at one time
- A citizen can have up to 10,000 Game Tokens (in his inventory and market offers combined)
- Today (Day 4,272 until 23:59) the market only allows posting and changing sell offers so that the citizens can familiarize themselves with the feature. Buying offers will be enabled at daychange ( Day 4,273 00:00)


- 不公開賣家資訊
- 只會顯示 5個 最好的售價
- 玩家只能從最好的售價進行購買
- 一個玩家最多只能在市場上發布三個報價(offer)
- 一個玩家最多只能擁有 10000 個 Game Tokens(含倉庫 及市場報價)
- 今天(直到 Day 4,272 23:59) 的市場僅能發佈以及更新 報價,以便玩家熟悉功能。購買 報價 會於換日後啟用。

In order to address the currency inflation, all Transactions made through the Game Tokens Marketplace will be subjected to a 5% Buyer Tax. The currency collected via this tax will be removed from the economy.

為了解決貨幣通貨膨脹,所有在Game Tokens市場的交易會受到5%的買家稅
1 Game token is put on market for 100 currency.
The Buyer will pay 100 Currency (what is displayed on the Market Page)
The Seller will receive 95 currency (100 - 5% Tax)
Note: The Seller will be able to see Tax/Unit when placing an offer on the Market, as well as the Net Price.

1 Game token 放在市場上 需要100 貨幣
買家將支付 100 貨幣 (市場頁面上顯示的內容)
賣家將獲得 95 貨幣 (100-5%稅)
注意:賣家在向市場發出 報價 時可以看到 稅/單位 以及其淨值。
Influence of new accounts in air rounds
Until further notice all new accounts will have their wall influence in air rounds significantly reduced. Individual damage and everything else will remain unchanged.

